14 Signs You’re A Mentally Tough Person With Impressive Inner Strength

We're all on a growth journey, but some people are more intentional about recognizing it than others.

Mentally tough professional woman walking with a black bag. Yuri_Arcurs | CanvaPro

Finding comfort in your mind can be difficult, and oftentimes, it takes people decades to truly find peace amidst their inner turmoil, trauma, and anxieties. Achieving mental toughness is a journey toward emotional intelligence, but it’s also about crafting self-confidence, healing, and finding your identity.

According to entrepreneur and lifestyle account @houseofinvestors on Instagram, finding peace within ourselves and instilling a strong-willed sense of mental security genuinely impacts every aspect of our lives which is why people with inner strength tend to be so successful. Truth is, you're likely more mentally tough than you even realize.


A recent post described the signs that your mental fortitude and inner strength have made you resilient through even the toughest times in life.

Here are 14 signs you’re a mentally tough person with impressive inner strength:

1. You don't anger easily

Emotional intelligence is the foundation for being mentally sound.

mentally tough woman with inner strength People Images, Yuri Arcurs | Canva Pro


Can you control your reaction to other people’s actions? Can you be accountable for your own actions? Do you get overwhelmed by intense emotions, or can you process them on your own?

With a solid foundation of mental toughness, you don’t often act irrationally or under the influence of anger. Instead, you’re quick to empathize while also understanding and unpacking your own emotions and feelings, leading to a much better outcome than someone who is reflexively defensive.

RELATED: 7 Better Ways To Handle Anger Toward Someone You Love (That Won't Damage Your Bond)

2. You don’t take criticism negatively

Confident in your abilities, mental toughness, and perspective, you don't get offended by someone else’s constructive criticism or feedback.


Not seeking validation from anyone, but rather self-assured in your own growth, you digest other people’s opinions instead of letting them make or break your mood or reaction. 

3. You are comfortable apologizing when necessary

With a level of security in their own thoughts and validation, people with mental toughness don’t often struggle to admit when they’re wrong. Even if it takes a therapy session or a night to unpack your emotions, you don’t need to be pressured into saying you're sorry.

Even the most confident and healed people make mistakes. Just because you need to issue an apology doesn’t make you a bad person, and moving forward can be much easier when you’ve taken full accountability.


4. You’re willing to change when needed

Despite being self-assured, you’re not “above” changing depending on the situation. For example, if someone is feeling anxious or uncomfortable with a social situation, you might consider opting for less extroverted activities, despite liking them, to help others feel better.

While some people’s “chameleon personalities” are red flags of insecurity, your ability to change is born of compassion. You’re willing to be flexible, empathetic, and kind when necessary.

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5. You don’t limit your thoughts; you adorn them with actions

Mentally tough people foster a balance between practicality and imagination to craft their futures. 


You're not afraid to realize your dreams — even if it means taking a small step today.

Mentally tough woman smiling with her manifestation journal. Pocstock | CanvaPro

Everyone’s thoughts create their realities, whether you’re aware of it or not, so having the ability to affirm your dreams by reminding yourself that they’re actionable and within reach is essential to truly making progress.


6. You don’t expect much from others

People with inner strength are self-sufficient.

That’s not to say you don’t occasionally rely on others for support; you just don’t rely on anyone else to maintain your balanced mind and a healthy lifestyle; that’s something you can look after for yourself.

7. You are serious about boundaries

You don’t shy away from making your boundaries clear with the people in your life, and your relationships flourish because of it.

two happy women hugging RgStudio | Canva Pro


Alongside enforcing your own boundaries, you’re also dedicated to intentionally respecting other people’s boundaries and might even seek out conversations to clarify what they need, want, and expect.

RELATED: 5 Old-Fashioned Boundaries People Should Bring Back For Healthier Relationships

8. You’re open to helping others

Oftentimes, the most confident and mentally strong people are also the most compassionate. They understand what it’s like to be confused, fearful, or even isolated and make an effort to share advice and be a shoulder to cry on.

Even in passing moments, mentally tough people understand the profound impact of smiling at a stranger.


9. You have a balance between emotion and intelligence

Unpacking the true definition of wisdom, psychologist Robert J. Sternberg suggests that truly “wise people” embody this kind of balanced persona. 

Well-rounded and resilient people use both reason and emotion to navigate the world successfully.

Being mentally tough is a delicate act of investing in yourself and investing in others and it’s surely not as easy as it sounds, or we’d all be considered the wisest of our time.

10. You know your own limitations

Along with your strengths, you're self-aware about your weaknesses and the things you still need to work on.

Mentally tough woman smiling in therapy session. SDI Productions | CanvaPro


Whether it’s showing up better for your partner or spending more time alone, you acknowledge those limitations and make efforts to grow.

11. Your comfort zone doesn’t limit you

Some people find comfort in friends that aren’t necessarily helping them grow, an escapist vice, or even a job without occasional challenge — mentally strong people find comfortable spaces where they can still flourish.


My 10-day mentally strong challenge is free and starts 2/1. Link in my bio ti sign up.

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You know what you want, what kind of lifestyle you want, and your weaknesses. Because of that, you know what healthy spaces look like for you, and you seek them out.


12. You are consistent in your actions

From supporting partners to showing up for friends and embracing change in your job, you’re always consistently yourself. You’re innovative, independent, compassionate, and mentally tough in adversity.

You understand how to self-regulate and care for yourself during periods of mental and physical instability, helping you to show up consistently — even if it means taking time away, de-stressing, and investing in yourself.

13. You balance self-acceptance with self-improvement

Mentally tough individuals don’t use self-improvement mindsets as a means to flee from their identity, mistakes, and decisions. Instead, they balance acceptance and improvement, accepting their identity in the present moment with an unspoken acknowledgment of where they can improve.

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They ask themselves questions instead of running away from introspection.

14. You take accountability for your choices

Whether you made good or poor decisions, you’re not afraid to take accountability for things you’ve done — in the workplace, in relationships, or even when reflecting on your life.

Mentally tough people don’t often have regrets in their lives. They’re comfortable with themselves, happy to take on challenges and responsible for their decisions.


They do the best they can with the cards they've been dealt, and the imaginative dreams they’re consciously building.

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Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories