3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On October 13, 2024

The first challenge is to admit that there actually is a problem.

3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On October 13, 2024 Aleksandr Kichigin | Canva Pro

We will see that on October 13, 2024, zodiac signs Aries, Sagittarius, and Capricorn will rise above challenges, thanks to the astrological transit of Mercury square Pluto. Rapid movement and irrevocable change are taking place on this day. 

We might have our challenges to deal with, and yes, they will be dealt with. However, the main gist of Mercury square Pluto is to get us to cope with something right now, knowing that once we cross that bridge, there's no going back.


Mercury square Pluto shows us that if we wish to shine a light on all the challenges of our lives, then we have to start with the big one first, and that's admitting to ourselves that there is a problem here. This is like unclogging a drain; once we remove that first clog, the rest is pretty much a done deal. These three zodiac signs will conquer the bigger challenges

Three zodiac signs rise above challenges on October 13, 2024:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs rise above challenges october 13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


There are days when you laugh to yourself, thinking that you got away with it, and you'll see that during the transit of Mercury square Pluto, there's no way you'll get away with it, whatever it is. This is a very strong day for you, Aries, as it shows you that you are not always in control.

This puts you in the position of having to admit that you are not always a superhero or a superstar; sometimes, you feel like a blob, and this day may be one of those days. However, as you'll see, it does not come without its redeeming qualities.

October 13 shows you that you aren't getting away with it because you are standing in the way of your progress, which means that you might not be conscious, at this point, of what is preventing you. It's right there in your personality, Aries, and all it takes is for you to recognize it, label it, and then...be rid of it.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs rise above challenges october 13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

What a flipped-out day for you, Sagittarius, as you realize that all it takes is a simple difference in perspective to find balance in your life. You feel as though you've been fighting a battle alone, knowing no one would agree or take your side.

And then, something happens that changes all of that, and it is directly related to Mercury square Pluto. This transit shows you, point blank, that if you aren't going to adapt to the way others think, then you had better own, in full, the attitude you have right now.


This day is all about understanding yourself, Sagittarius, which also implies leaving behind self-deceit. You have kidded yourself for a long time, and now it's time to either own what you believe in or surrender it, and the way Mercury square Pluto has it planned ... you'll be doing some serious owning on this day.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs rise above challenges october 13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


You don't like to think that certain things in your life are challenges, yet that's how this day will present itself as a challenge. Because you're working with Mercury square Pluto, you will see that the universe presents you with one of those 'now or never' scenarios.

You will choose 'now.' You will do so because you like that Pluto energy and it inspires you to change your ways, and you know that those ways need a tweak or two, as it is. You are ready to overcome the challenges set before you because you've come to see yourself as someone who doesn't settle for less.

Whereas only yesterday, you might have thought that there was nothing much to look forward to, your attitude does a one-eighty, and suddenly, what presented itself as a challenge to you now looks like an obligation worth taking up. You will be fine, and you already know that.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
