The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On October 7

Once we discover what we've been missing, we are able to figure out the rest of the puzzle.

The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On October 7, 2024 dima_zel, Syda Productions | Canva Pro

Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn receive a special message from the universe on October 7, during the Moon opposite Uranus transit. Monday's astrology employs this Uranus event to transmit important information to us, and by the end of the day, we discover is what we need to know.

This message feels so special because we didn't consider this a possibility until now. In other words, what's going on is that due to the presence of the Moon opposite Uranus, what we did not consider will be exactly what we need to consider. It's all about the missing piece, and once we discover what that is, we can figure out the rest of the puzzle. Stay keen, zodiac signs ... the message from the universe might be subtle.


The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on October 7, 2024:

1. Taurus

Universe Has A Special Message For Taurus Zodiac Signs On October 7, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva

You've been pretty proud of yourself as you've grown your confidence in ways you know cannot be swayed. You've grown much this year, and while you're very well aware that you're not 'there' yet, you feel good that you've come this far.


On October 7, you may find yourself positioned to pick up on something out there, which means you're receptive to the message coming from the universe itself. We are made up of stardust, which automatically gives you an understanding of how the universe speaks ... when it does.

And so, when the universe delivers its special message to you, you'll find that because of Moon square Saturn, the 'flavor' of the message has something to do with sticking with your original plan and trusting in your gut feeling to know what is right for you.

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2. Virgo

Universe Has A Special Message For Virgo Zodiac Signs On October 7, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva


You've always considered yourself someone who doesn't always fit in with the crowd. Yet, this doesn't come with self-pity. You know yourself as an individual, so when individualistic transits like Moon square Saturn come to town, your independence rises to the surface.

You'll receive a message to be proud of who you are in your unique, sometimes anti-social and non-conformist ways. That it's OK to be 'the misfit,' even if you find a way to 'blend in.'

You are doing just fine, Virgo, and you will do just fine. And Moon square Saturn enforces that sense of pride and uniqueness in you. OK, so you don't fit in anywhere. The truth is that's how you like it and how you'll always like it. You are you, Virgo, and nobody else.

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3. Sagittarius

Universe Has A Special Message For Sagittarius Zodiac Signs On October 7, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva

This day, October 7, comes on strong and lasts a long time, and so much of this has to do with the idea that you are finally starting to weigh things for value. OK, that means that during the transit of Moon square Saturn, you will decide if a thing in your life still has power over you, and if not ... it goes.

Monday shows you that you are not a slave to your emotions anymore. You've done the work to be emotionally strong and combat this kind of emotional servitude, and being that you'll get a few examples that crop up, you'll also be able to recognize them as worthless.


You needn't be that attached to many of the issues in your life any longer, Sagittarius. During Moon square Saturn, the vibe is to accept life 'as it is' without trying to make a drama out of it. You are uniquely spirited and need to honor that and play it up.

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4. Capricorn

Universe Has A Special Message For Capricorn Zodiac Signs On October 7, 2024 spirit111 and Onehourhappiness Creative / Canva


Saturn transits tend to undermine you, and it will be during Moon Square Saturn on October 7 that you will pick up on what's going on 'out there' in the universe. If there's a special message worth receiving, it's the one that tells you to stay true to yourself — and don't let things undermine you!

So, the way it works for you, Capricorn, is in so much that you will be allowed to do something great with your life, but you literally 'have' to do it, or you don't get any of the benefits. If you start doubting your motives or actions, all will fall apart.

Fortunately, you are very quick on the gas with this one. You can spot a mistake about to be made before it's made, showing the universe that you're thinking very intently about your next move. You will follow your heart and make your best decisions, resulting in a glorious day.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
