The Single Most Confusing Zodiac Sign That No One Can Ever Quite Figure Out

Their entire personality is a contradiction.

confusing woman wearing sunglasses Photo: Anna-Maria Snow | Design: YourTango

There's a saying that posits a different version of you exists in the mind of everyone, as everyone has different perceptions of reality. For example, your friends would likely describe you somewhat differently than your parents would, and your coworkers different than that.

That said, there are some constants to our personalities — unless you're the most confusing zodiac sign, that is. 

An astrologer claimed that the most confusing zodiac sign has a contradicting nature that makes them tough to figure out. 

According to astrologer Zoe Cardiff, “Aquarius is the most confusing of the zodiac signs.”


“First of all Aquarius has two rulers, right? It’s got a modern ruler which is Uranus, which is about innovation and change and rebellion and freedom,” Cardiff explained in a TikTok video.


However, Saturn is the traditional ruling planet of Aquarius. According to Cardiff, Saturn is rigid in method and known to be responsible and structured. With these two conflicting rulers, it’s no wonder Aquarius comes off as dumbfounding. Aquarius is confusing because its personality is constantly at odds with itself, just like its ruling planets.

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She explained that because Aquarius has contradicting ruling planets, they also have contradicting personality traits.

“They often have really eccentric outside-the-box ways of looking at the world. Like their beliefs can be kind of non-mainstream and they don’t want them to be mainstream,” Cardiff explained. “Aquarius wants to do its own research and come to its own conclusions.” 

Because of that, once they’ve decided on something, you’ll be hard-pressed to change their mind. Saturn's influence makes them rigid, “almost dogmatically connected” to their rigid beliefs, Cardiff explained. Despite this rigidness, Aquarius is known for being incredibly progressive.


“Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian and they have a great love for humanity. A real love for humanity," Cardiff said. Which can catch people off guard, as Aquarius is more of a loner who tends to have "a disdain for people on a one-on-one level.”

"They don't like people, they're not very warm, they're not very cuddle," astrologer Lauren Ash explained in a TikTok video, three traits most people likely wouldn't imagine someone with a humanitarian personality would embody. However, they can "put everything aside and say objectively, 'this is what's better for everyone.'"

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Aquarius is known to have high standards for themselves and even higher ideals, which can unintentionally make them play the hot-and-cold game — much to everyone’s bewilderment.


However, being a walking contradiction isn’t a bad thing. As Cardiff said, the contradicting personality traits can be "really exciting," and there’s much to love about the sign.

"When you're up against institutions of power that don't want things to be equal," Ash said, Aquarius will simply "stop trying to do things the nice way."

Just don’t put in too much effort to understand them — because you never will.


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
