2 Zodiac Signs Finally Get Help With Their Finances By The End Of September 2024

If you're one of these two zodiac signs be prepared to get "rich-rich!"

woman looking at falling money getting help with finances september 2024 Photo: Billion Photos, Shawn | Design: YourTango

Financial instability is a reality all too many people face in their day-to-day lives. According to a 2024 survey, over 48% of Americans feel broke, while 66.2% claim they’re living paycheck to paycheck. 

Knowing this, it’s no surprise that many of us could use a hand when it comes to reaching financial stability.

Luckily, an astrologer predicted that two zodiac signs are finally getting help with their finances by the end of September 2024.

According to an astrologer named Helena, Taurus and Libra can expect great things to happen for them financially in the month of September. 


“These signs are about to get rich," Helena claimed in a TikTok video. "Like rich-rich.” 

Even if you don't have a Taurus or Libra Sun sign, Helena noted that these predictions are also valid for those with Taurus and Libra as their Rising sign.


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1. Taurus

taurus zodiac sign money help finances september 2024 Photo: Billion Photos, Icons8 | Design: YourTango

“Taurus, you got Jupiter in your money house and it’s trining Venus from September 6 (the best days) through to the 17,” Helena explained.


According to traditional astrologer Ellie Remotigue, Jupiter is known for many things, including luck and abundance. She continued, “Jupiter is all about saying yes and increasing things.” 

As Helena noted, Venus is also trine Jupiter, which an astrologer named Grace explained in a Tiktok video is "a very positive transit" because both Venus and Jupiter are considered benefic planets known for bringing joy and pleasure, and a trine is an incredibly positive aspect associated with harmony. 

During this transit, Grace explained "we can expect lots of prosperity, fun, pleasure, and enjoyment," especially for your finances, Taurus, as this transit is occurring in your second house of money.

"The potential for abundance and prosperity is definitely there," Grace said, adding that it's important to "pay attention to any different types of ways that you can make money" during this transit.


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2. Libra

libra zodiac sign money help finances september 2024 Photo: Billion Photos, Icons8 | Design: YourTango

For Libra, everything is happening behind the scenes. People are going out of their way to do things for you, putting you in a better position financially


“All you have to do is communicate how great you are and it’s just like a shower of money,” Helena noted. 

But that’s not all that makes Libra lucky this month. According to Helena, there are “major investments [and] financial opportunities” on the horizon.

While Libra will still see great benefits regardless of how much effort you put it, Helena advised against getting too content.


"It's so easy to be indulgent with this 'cause it's classically one of the best transits," Helena said, referring to the Venus trine Jupiter transit. However, keep pushing forward and put in the necessary work to make that happen!

RELATED: The One Thing Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Be Truly Happy


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
