10 Signs You're Burned Out, Not Lazy — According To Psychology

You're feeling drained for a reason.

pensive woman thinking Dikushin Dmitry | Shutterstock

Most of us don't want to be perceived as lazy, nor do we want to garner that reputation. Yet, at times, we begin to slack off and put in less effort. 

However, our "laziness" isn't always laziness. Sometimes, what can be mistaken as "lazy" is, in reality, burnout.

Here are 10 signs you're burned out, not lazy

1. You've lost interest in things that once brought you joy

woman with headphones staring outside hugo_34 | Shutterstock

It can be gut-wrenching when you lose interest in your hobbies, especially when it extends to family, friends, or romantic partners. However, losing interest is just part of burnout, not laziness.

You're not ignoring people or dropping hobbies just because; rather, you're doing so because you're drained all the time. A 2021 survey revealed 79% of employees experience burnout, with 26% reporting a lack of interest at work. A separate study concluded that "The reasons for giving up hobbies were what one would expect — lack of time and loss of interest were the most frequent reasons cited."

With that being said, it should come as no surprise if you're bad at texting back or show zero interest in your hobbies. Likely, you're recharging after the intense burnout you've experienced lately.

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2. You're tired for no reason

man taking off glasses looking stressed G-Stock Studio | Shutterstock

Feeling tired for absolutely no reason is a sign of burnout. According to research, there are three dimensions to burnout, one of them being exhaustion.

Your exhaustion is likely due to stress, leading you to feel tired regardless of the amount of sleep you get. To avoid this, find ways to decompress before bed. The Sleep Foundation recommends mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, taking a warm bath or shower, or journaling to relax your body. 


3. You experience sudden health problems

man rubbing shoulder in pain GBJSTOCK | Shutterstock

It can be alarming when you experience health problems seemingly out of nowhere. Maybe your heart's been hurting lately or maybe you've been feeling an unknown tickling in your hand.

Yet, health problems aren't always due to sheer "laziness"; rather, it can be due to extreme burnout and stress.

According to compiled research, burnout can lead to health problems such as heart disease, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, insomnia, and depressive systems. Understandably, because you're so stressed, burnout can also lead to anxiety, as psychologist Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter says.

This might explain why some people experience tingling sensations for no reason at all. 


4. You don't feel motivated anymore

woman with head in hand looking upset Vadym Pastukh | Shutterstock

We need to feel inspired and motivated to get us through the day. Yet, those experiencing extreme burnout don't always have that luxury. Because their energy levels are at zero, they can't even begin to think positively, let alone encourage themselves.

This may explain why, according to one study, motivation is a driving force for task completion. The study claims, "People can maintain their performance in a particular task as long as they are still motivated to do the task." But if you don't have any motivation, this can get tricky, leading you to become mentally drained.

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5. You feel disconnected from the world around you

two women sitting on couch staring at phones looking bored Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock

It's one thing to feel like a bad texter, but it's another thing entirely to detach from those around you. You ghost people for months on end, unaware of who's around you or what's going on in your environment. Really, you're just going through the motions on autopilot.

It isn't because you're being lazy or inconsiderate; it's because you're so burnt out that even being around others puts you on edge.

Licensed clinical social worker Lauren Liverman explains that symptoms of burnout include, "Withdrawing from family or friends because you don't have the capacity to engage in a meaningful way," or, "Going through the motions without really listening or paying attention [to your surroundings]."


6. You're easily irritated

two women arguing in kitchen Liza Summer | Pexels

A huge sign of burnout is being unable to control your emotions and, by extension, your irritability. As one study found, "Persistent clinical burnout is associated with exaggerated somatic arousal including tension, irritability, sleep impairment, and above-normal blood levels of cortisol."

If you snap at others, don't be too hard on yourself. It isn't because you can't control yourself or are too lazy. Sometimes, it could be because you're utterly exhausted and might need a timeout. 

7. You feel overwhelmed

woman looking stressed with pile of books around her PBXStudio | Shutterstock

Feeling overwhelmed is part of burnout, and no matter what you do, this feeling is inevitable. Burnout is caused by stress, typically at the workplace. Because of this, it comes as no surprise that burnout can lead to overwhelm.

Through overwhelm, people might procrastinate their tasks due to feelings of dread or hopelessness that come along with it. One study determined that procrastination can sometimes be linked to discomfort, leading to more stress if we aren't careful.

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8. You struggle to finish your work on time

woman looking stressed while staring at laptop insta_photos | Shutterstock

If you struggle at work, you may be labeled lazy, but it's a harmful narrative as laziness isn't always intentional. Instead of addressing the core issue at hand, most people probably get the boot from their boss, saying we need to get it together and stop being lazy or get out.

This can create mounting stress, eventually leading to more burnout and struggles at workOne study confirmed the "negative relationship between a toxic workplace environment and employee engagement," adding that employees who work in a toxic environment spread those negative feelings to co-workers.

This can lead to depression, bullying, anxiety, and burnout. It's a reminder to keep things positive in the workplace, approaching struggling employees with compassion instead of passive-aggressiveness. 

9. You're quick to jump to conclusions

woman looking upset while staring at phone fizkes | Shutterstock

Burnout can lead to a plethora of problems, some of which include negativity. And because of this, people who are burnt out jump to the worst conclusions.

But if this sounds like you, it's not your fault. According to one study, burnout was found to highly affect depression, while also moderately affecting dysfunctional attitudes and ruminative responses. So, both your attitude and mindset are bound to be negative when feeling burnt out. 


10. You're neglecting self-care

woman looking done with a pile of mess surrounding her New Africa | Shutterstock

When you're burnt out, you don't have the energy to focus on self-care. You're so busy and stressed, you might skip days at the gym or relaxation time to attend to supposedly more important matters. But this is the worst thing you can do for yourself.

Self-care partially mediates the perceived stress on well-being. So, take time for yourself and relax. Put on a face mask or read a relaxing book. Your mental health depends on it

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.