Astrologer Reveals There's Only One Zodiac Sign Whose Intuition 'Never Fails'

This zodiac sign's intuition that is always on point.

woman with zodiac sign whose intuition never fails Photo: Stepan Kulyk | Design: YourTango

Some of us have a natural talent for picking up on details that most people overlook. While we all have intuition, those who are deeply intuitive know exactly when their intuition is trying to tell them something and more importantly, when to trust it. 

While it's possible to strengthen your intuition, according to an astrologer named May, one zodiac sign is pretty much born with an intuition that's right 99% of the time.


The zodiac sign whose intuition never fails them

Surprisingly, “It’s not Pisces, it’s not any of the water signs,” May said, referencing the infamous intuition water signs are believed to have. “Although Pisces has very strong powers as well, this sign gets a literal stomach ache when they feel like something isn’t right,” May explained.

“Their body starts reacting and because they can’t always control it, they end up shutting down their gut feeling,” May added, which is why their gift isn't as pronounced as the zodiac signs typically thought of as the most intuitive. Which is unfortunate as their gut feeling is almost always right.


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According to May, Virgo is born with the gift of intuition that never fails.

If you’re a Virgo, it’s time to trust yourself, because according to May, your intuition is a "blessing," though she warned that it can sometimes feel like a "curse." 

This is why she believes that Virgo Moons have such a powerful placement, “Because our Moon sign is essentially how we use our intuitive muscles.” 

However, what makes this sign so intuitive? After all, their biggest thing is all about being logical. So, what gives?


Virgo's intuition is so strong because Virgo literally rules the gut.

According to medical astrology, Virgo rules the pancreas and intestines. This means that Virgo shouldn't be afraid to lean on their instinctual senses in addition to their logic.

But, getting there might be challenging for Virgo. In their head, they’re always looking for logical solutions to tough situations. So, going against their logical side and leaning into their instinctual side will be a challenge, to say the least. However, it isn’t impossible.

According to astrologer MindBodyBronx, for earth signs to connect to their intuition, it's essential to have structure in life “Because Earth is literally the physical plane.” And when there’s too much clutter in their lives, “it is going to be harder to feel and connect to your intuition.”

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So, if you’re struggling to connect to your intuition your first step is to ground yourself. Cut off all the extraneous thoughts and focus on what makes you feel stable and at peace. 

Because as a Virgo, you have the greatest intuitive gift — the ability to see when things aren’t or are going to work out. Yet, it’s only when you begin to clean out your environment that you’ll truly begin to grow into that gift and reap the benefits that come along with it.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.