The 7 Most Challenging Mother-Daughter Zodiac Sign Combinations In Astrology, According To An Astrologer

Understanding your zodiac compatibility is the key to overcoming any challenges in your relationship.

mother and daughter with challenging zodiac sign combination Photo: Shine_ Photos | Design: YourTango

If we’re being real for a second, most of us have probably gotten into one or two arguments with our parents before, right? Whether it’s because we felt they didn’t understand us or disagreed with our choices, it's normal to feel that strain at some point in your relationship.

Yet, few things are as difficult as a strained relationship between mother and daughter. According to astrologer Chana Peppers, certain zodiac combinations are prone to issues.


Here are the seven most challenging mother-daughter combinations and why they struggle the most

1. Taurus mother with a Leo daughter

“A Taurus mother is going to be very practical and somewhat rigid,” Peppers explained, while a Leo child loves to show off and seek attention. Because of this, a Leo child will see their Taurus mother as far too rigid and serious. Due to their opposite personalities, both signs may struggle to see eye to eye, leading to high conflict and high tension in the relationship.


That said, this relationship can thrive as long as both mother and daughter commit to learning and understanding the other, and may find that they are more compatible than they think. Taurus is a great listener, and Leo loves the undivided attention!

RELATED: How To Be The Best Parent Possible, Based On Zodiac Compatibility

2. Gemini mother with a Capricorn daughter

If you’re a Capricorn daughter, you likely struggle with your Gemini mother’s spontaneous and adventurous nature. 

“And a Gemini mother will really have to work with her Capricorn child to help them to loosen up,” said Peppers.

This will undoubtedly take some time, but with a little bit of patience and compromise, a Gemini mother can teach her daughter how to “loosen up.”


3. Cancer mother with a Sagittarius daughter

Cancers are known to be quite the nurturers. Fully focused on their home and family, they're true homebodies. On the flip side, a Sagittarius daughter craves adventure. Sagittarians are spontaneous and love going out to explore. 

Because of this, a Cancer mother will likely feel offended by their daughter’s need for freedom. They might even feel as if there’s something wrong with them as a parent. And with Sagittarius feeling “stifled at home,” Peppers explained, this can easily turn into a disaster without proper conversation, compromise, and boundaries.

4. Leo mother with a Scorpio daughter

Talk about complete opposites! 

“A Leo mother is going to be very dominant and outgoing and this could clash with her Scorpio daughter’s personality,” Pepper explained, while Scorpios are known to be both mysterious and reserved.


These conflicting personalities may cause power struggles in their relationship, especially “with Leo just really wanting to shine and the Scorpio daughter really wanting some emotional depth and wanting to be in control,” ended Peppers.

That said, Scorpio's strong intuition can help them get beneath the surface of Leo's extravagant personality, which can ultimately help the relationship thrive.

RELATED: Your Mom's Zodiac Sign And Its Long-Term Effects On You, According To An Astrologer

5. Virgo mother with an Aquarius daughter

Virgos are known for needing structure and order within their lives. They don’t like stepping out of line and they especially don’t like unexpected surprises. Peppers explained that this practical nature can sometimes clash with Aquarius’s need for adventure, independence, and spontaneity.


“This mother may find an Aquarius daughter’s ideas way too unconventional,” Pepper said, while "an Aquarius might find her mother too critical and stifling."

For this relationship to thrive, the Virgo mom must remember that "it's okay for your kid to be 'out of the box,'" astrologer Allie Duzett explained in a TikTok video, recommending Virgo moms allow their Aquarius daughters to make choices they undoubtedly won't always agree with.

"The more that we can allow them to safely explore things (even though we think it might be stupid) and the more that we can avoid openly judging the choices that their making, the easier it's going to be to have a positive relationship," Duzett said.

6. Libra mother with a Pisces daughter

“This Libra mother is going to want her home to have harmony and balance,” said Peppers. But, a Pisces daughter? They tend to be emotional. Because of this, Pisces will feel the need to have a strong relationship with her Libra mother, while her Libra mother might be a little too focused on providing material things rather than the love and affection their Pisces child really craves.


As long as the Libra mom can remember that money can't buy love and understand that Pisces children often need strict boundaries and direction, the relationship can be incredibly harmonious.

7. Scorpio mother with an Aries daughter

It comes as no surprise that Scorpios need control.

“But an Aries daughter is going to be very independent and also very assertive,” Peppers noted.


As you can imagine, a Scorpio mother may feel offended by this, while an Aries daughter will feel caged in by her mother’s emotionally controlling ways.

If these two can learn to work together instead of against each other, this is a relationship that can strike the perfect balance, as both signs are incredibly devoted to each other.

RELATED: The Most Important Zodiac Placement In Your Child's Birth Chart


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
