3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Specific Challenges On September 29, 2024

Venus in our sky aligned with the Moon is our 'ace.'

woman with zodiac signs overcoming challenges september 29, 2024 Photo: Dwayne joe | Design: YourTango

Three zodiac signs have been plagued with challenges as of late, but finally overcome them on September 29. While these signs have faced obstacles, the placement of Venus in our sky aligned with the Moon is our ace.

We know in our hearts that some 'tests' are there to be overcome. While certain things take a little more time, there are still other things we can work on and conquer. With Venus as our helping hand, the number one reason WHY we wish to finally overcome that one particular challenge is that we feel foolish if we don't. Under Venus' influence we love ourselves enough to complete the task. We no longer want that challenge hanging over us, so on September 29 we work hard to overcome it — and we succeed.


Three zodiac signs overcome specific challenges on September 29, 2024 

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs overcome specific challenges september 29, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

September 29 feels like the end of a long haul of emotion and energy for you, Taurus. While that may sound exhausting, you feel suddenly rejuvenated and full of fresh energy. This is how the Venus-Moon alignment works in your world.


What you get out of this day is a new way of perceiving your own participation. Right now, you want to pour your entire self into what you believe in. There is no more half dose for you. You feel this Venus-Moon alignment in your bones giving you confidence and hope. This is how you overcome specific challenges.

You can place this energy in love or accomplishment. What you put your mind to will manifest tenfold, simply because you feel so good about yourself and your decision to stick it out and make something wonderful out of what you have. You are strong and brave on September 29, 2024.

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2. Leo

leo zodiac signs overcome specific challenges september 29, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


You can pinpoint exactly what your specific challenges are, Leo, as they have made room in your life and seem to take up much of your mental space. You are not fond of having anything stand in your way, and while you want desperately to get over this challenge, you still haven't made the effort.

And that, of course, sees its final breath on September 29, as the Venus-Moon alignment brings you into a place in your mind that can only be recognized as time's up. You get it and there's no going back. You can either confront the problem and zap it or let it rule your life — and nobody rules your life, Leo, as you are the King of your jungle. 

During the Venus-Moon alignment, you find time to love yourself more than you dread anything else. Being in touch with self-love works for you and helps you overcome that last obstacle.

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3. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs overcome specific challenges september 29, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

If there's one thing for sure, it's that you have discipline when you want to have it. While you may seem scattered or lacking in the discipline department to others, only you know just how orderly you can be. During the Venus-Moon alignment, you'll realize that the last of the obstacles has finally arrived, and that means you have to deal with it.

So, what is this last obstacle and how will you overcome it? It seems that on September 29, what stands as a semi-threat to you is the idea of continuing with the discipline you've started. You've been so good, and now that it's almost October, you wonder if you really can keep it up.


During the Venus-Moon alignment, you'll find that if you just trust yourself and stick with the original plan (remaining disciplined) you'll be able to feel just as thrilled with the upcoming month as you did in September. You can do this, Virgo; just hang on to the rope and don't let go. The universe is totally on your side.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
