Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After The Moon Aligns With Jupiter On September 28, 2024

There's a giddy quality about today's energy.

joyful woman and zodiac signs in front of moon jupiter alignment september 28 Photo: Jonathan Sanchez, claudiodivizia, Blixa 6 Studios | Design: YourTango

Saturday, September 28 lets us know that when it comes to joy and happiness, we have not been forgotten. When the Moon aligns itself with Jupiter, joy returns for three zodiac signs.

If we've been going through something, we can rest assured that so many of our issues dissolve during this lunar transit. This Saturday not only brings us promise and hope but there's a giddy quality about it all. We can't stop laughing — now that's truly joyous.


The three zodiac signs most compatible with these Moon-Jupiter transits find that even though so much of our joy on this day makes us laugh, there will also be an element of gratitude. We are relieved to welcome joy back into your lives, and grateful that such a thing should happen to us.

Joy returns for three zodiac signs on September 28, 2024:

1. Leo

leo joy returns zodiac signs september 28, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


When joy returns to your life on Saturday, September 28, you will probably want to throw a party, Leo. You are the kind of person who cannot contain themselves, especially when you are reunited with the kind of elation that you'll be in touch with on this day. You are not just happy; you're out of your skull happy.

Oh, the joy has returned and when the Moon aligns with Jupiter, you can count on more and more of it for days to come. This could result from something you've done for yourself, like a healthy upgrade or reunion with an old friend. Whatever it is, Leo, it makes you feel like a million bucks and you are not only grateful for it, but you plan on making the best of it. 

You now know the difference between joy and sorrow, and you're completely tapped when it comes to sorrow, it is! Let's do this.

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2. Virgo

virgp joy returns zodiac signs september 28, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

You have no more room in your repertoire for anger, sadness, or animosity. Both you and your romantic partner have enabled each other's worst behavior, and it isn't until the Moon aligns with Jupiter that you get the hint: this isn't working.

The interesting part is that as soon as you recognize this, it all changes. It's as if the universe was just chomping at the bit, waiting for you to see the light and get with it so that you could finally experience some of the joy you left behind so long ago. Well, the joy is back and you're going to stick around for more.


Both you and your romantic partner are finally able to wake up after that long period of nothingness, as you both realize that what you have is both precious and worth trying for. Your mission is to raise joy and positive energy; the negativity has done nothing for you but waste your time.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius joy returns zodiac signs september 28, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Joy returns to your life, Sagittarius, as you've started a new health regimen that continuously reminds you of how precious this life is, and how for you, personally, it's all about staying healthy. Health is wealth in your book and when the Moon aligns with Jupiter, you make it clear to yourself that you opt for joy, any day.

You are no longer swept away by the praise OR the criticism of friends or strangers regarding what you do with your body, what you wear, how you think, or what you eat. You are your person, Sagittarius, and while it's always been that way, that sentiment is especially strong now.mJoy expresses itself through you through independence and power. 

Because you've got the Jupiter-Moon alignment to work with, you'll find that this is only the beginning. There is no place for dread or doubt. You believe in yourself, your health, and your body. This kind of energy is joyful to the max.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
