3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On September 19, 2024

What we dream may turn out to be prophetic.

Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On September 19, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Canva Creative Studio, capturenow | Canva Pro

Call it a premonition or perhaps a dream come true, but on September 19, 2024, three zodiac signs will wake up from a vision that will manifest as reality. Jupiter is aligned with the Moon, which immediately implies the dream state, and this state will cross over into real life on Thursday. When we say "dreams come true," we naturally think we're talking about dreams of fame, fortune, love, and greatness. But this one might be a little more literal, as this Jupiter/Moon transit has more to do with the expanse of the psyche, meaning what we dream may turn out to be prophetic.


Some of us already know or feel that we have psychic abilities. We are empathetic and we pick up on things. For three zodiac signs, this dream may show us that we're supposed to pay attention to what we see in it and that the magical movie screen of our sleep time gives us a hint of what's to come.

Three zodiac signs whose dreams come true on September 19, 2024.

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs whose dreams come true september 19, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


You've always had interests in the metaphysical arts, as you've always felt you are clairvoyant to a degree, and it's true that Aries is one of those highly charged psychic signs. You are smart and skeptical; you don't just believe a thing is real unless you investigate.

However, when you do investigate and find your gut feeling to be right, you believe in it all the way. You've just received what seems to be a prophetic dream or a warning. You listen to this, Aries, even though it's unclear. You know your dream tells you something, and you want to know what it is.

So, it's not that your dream necessarily comes true on this day, September 19; it's that you know something in the dream needs your attention, as it may be what's about to come true. This one is for you to find out, Aries, as you like getting to the bottom of things.

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs whose dreams come true september 19, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

You can't shake the feeling that your dream is trying to tell you something, and this dream may have occurred a few days ago or just last night. All you know is that there was a sense of reality to the dream, and you know that there are kernels of wisdom that you need to explore.

It might be a person, a name, or even an odd situation that was depicted, but because of its oddness, you realized in a lucid state that you were supposed to pay attention to it. You may find that during this Jupiter/Moon transit, your ability to predict may be fine-tuned; this is where you figure it all out.


Does your dream come true? It does in bits and pieces, and that's a good thing, too. We mention odd, but odd in the dreamscape is the way things go. In real life, you'll see that the hints and clues you received in your dream are applicable and helpful. That works!

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs whose dreams come true september 19, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Your dream comes true, but not literally, Sagittarius, as what you saw in your dream was symbolic. Usually, you think of dreams as psychic garbage lying around in your psyche and must be expressed. But this dream was different; you saw something that begged for your attention.

On September 19, you'll see that something happens within the day that mimics your dream. It's not exact, but it's close enough that you might even think your dream is coming true. The Jupiter/Moon transit brings you renewed confidence in your psychic abilities.

You may want to analyze what happened in your dream to see how your mind works and how you might be able to work with this in the future. You know now that you can see your dreams become reality with a Jupiter/Moon transit booster. Perhaps next time, you can try lucid dreaming. It's a thought.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
