Manifestation Coach Shares The Secret To Unblocking Your Desires And Making Them All Come True

You have to get vulnerable with yourself before you can truly manifest your desires.

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Many of us are seeking the most effective forms of manifestation to attract our desires, and it may take more time than we’d like to see the outcome. 

It’s important to stay consistent and patient, but sometimes, you block your own desires and inhibit your manifestation by standing in your own way.

Manifestation coach Nadia Khaled took to TikTok to share the secret to unblocking your manifestation so that what you truly desire can come to fruition.


A manifestation coach shared an exercise to unblock your desires so they can come true.

We may not realize it at the moment, but sometimes, our vibration blocks our desires from manifesting. Therefore, it’s important to utilize practices to raise our vibration and open our energy to the abundant flow of the universe. Thanks to manifestation coach Nadia Khaled, there's an easy way to do that.

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“Every desire that you have, everything that’s on your vision board, you are supposed to have it!” Khaled explained. “If you have not been able to manifest it, it’s very simple — there is something within you that is resisting it.”

She elaborated on this, explaining that the process of manifestation is designed to help our brains unlearn any reasons why we may subconsciously believe we can’t attract these desires or don’t deserve them.

The manifestation coach explained how, through self-examination, a person could unblock their desires and let their hopes and dreams come true.

“Think of the thing you want most right now,” she instructed. “Why are you not worthy of that thing? What is it about you that makes you feel like you don't deserve it or that it’s just not possible for you?”

Khaled used the example of manifesting your dream partner. When she asked her clients these questions, they typically responded by claiming they weren't good or attractive enough, among other reasons related to their characters.


“Now, when those beliefs come up, I want you to pick the one that feels the most painful for you,” she stated. “It’s something that you’ve probably struggled with a lot in your life.”

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Once you identified the pain point, she said it was time to search your subconscious mind for your earliest memory of that pain. She expressed how feelings of unworthiness and shame can usually be traced back to childhood, so it’s crucial to confront the root of these feelings so you can overcome them.

By connecting your energy block to the pivotal childhood memories that shaped who you are, Khaled said you could identify the “core wound” preventing you from opening yourself up to receiving your desires.

“The important thing to understand here is that when you experience something that is emotionally traumatic for you, what happens is your brain and your body take a screenshot of what that feels like, and then it keeps replaying over and over,” Khaled explained.

Our brains are malleable to our experiences, which can inhibit us from reaching our fullest potential.

Being human is already a challenge within itself. When you’re exposed to emotional trauma from a young age, you likely grow up blaming yourself, which only prevents you from manifesting your desires in life.


“One thing about your mind is that it will internalize literally everything, especially when you’re a child, and you don't have the critical thinking skills to discern that it was not your fault what somebody else did to you,” Khaled expressed.

When you don’t have the opportunity to reprocess your traumas from a higher perspective, Khaled stressed how they will continue to influence you in real time.

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Manifesting is a simple skill that anyone can practice, but one can only see results when they truly expect and believe in them. According to Kenny Weiss, a trauma healing coach, when you have unresolved traumas holding you back from trusting in your vision and your abilities, you’ll get trapped in a cycle of repeating the toxic feelings that were programmed in your mind. The only way to break this cycle is by becoming aware of your unresolved traumas and questioning the toxic patterns that are wired in your mind.

“It’s about putting in hard work to master your emotions, to understand your trauma, and to move forward,” Weiss wrote. “You’ll start to notice that positive things begin to come once you do these things. That’s how you create the law of attraction. Your recovery is the ‘doing’ part of healing, but once you get there, it’s all about simply ‘being.’”

To manifest your desires you must recognize the traumatic things from your childhood were not your fault.

The final part of Khaled’s exercise is to use the reparenting psychotherapy method that involves visualizing the version of you as a child who was actively experiencing trauma and unlearning the issues caused by poor parenting.

“You need to heal your relationship with the version of you that experienced that trauma,” she said. “Think about what you would say to them, knowing what you know now, all the lessons you learned, and give them the love, encouragement, and support that they needed at that time.”


This can certainly be a difficult and emotional process, but it can lead to profound healing and growth.

“You will be so amazed at how much easier it is to love yourself and believe you are worthy of good things when you heal your relationship with that wounded inner child,” Khaled emphasized. “You start to recognize that everything you were holding onto actually had nothing to do with you, and you get to let it go. It doesn’t have to be part of your story anymore.”

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.