How To Tell If Your Dog Is Happy Based On Their Sleeping Position
Sweet dreams for sweet pups.

Is there anything sweeter on this earth than the sight of your dog sleeping beside you? From the sound of their breathing to the warmth they radiate, a sleeping dog is a content dog, at least most of the time.
The way your furry friend chooses to sleep can tell you a lot about how they're feeling.
Here's how you can tell if your dog is happy based on their sleeping position:
1. Alert sleeping
If your dog falls asleep on their stomach, with their head resting on their paws, it’s a way for them to remain alert, even though they’re snoozing.
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This position signifies that your pup isn’t totally relaxed. It’s a common way for strays to sleep, as they’re used to being on guard at all times. It could also mean your dog is on the anxious side, ready to jump up from their slumber at any second.
On the alternative end of the dog anxiety spectrum, sleeping in this pose could mean that they're keeping themselves alert in case you decide that you're ready to play because they're ready to play, too. They don't want to miss out on the perfect opportunity for a game of fetch, chase, or literally anything.
The alert sleeping pose is also known as the lion’s pose. Dogs who sleep like this are loyal and protective, with a heart of gold. They take their job as your companion very seriously and are very in tune with your moods and emotions.
A dog who sleeps in the lion’s pose isn’t necessarily unhappy, they might just be a little tense or tightly wound.
2. Curled-up sleeping
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This little pretzel pose is a way for dogs to make themselves feel safe. Also known as the donut pose, dogs who sleep this way tuck themselves into a tight ball, with their limbs close to their body and their nose by their tail.
Sometimes, the donut pose can mean that your dog feels sick or unsafe, so dog parents should pay close attention to their furry little one’s other behavioral cues, just in case your canine companion is feeling off.
The position protects their vital organs and keeps them warm and cozy. It definitely sends the message, “Don’t disturb me; I’m very sleepy — unless you have treats, and then, I’ll wake right up.”
3. Side-sleeping
Alexandria Bryjak | Shutterstock
When your dog sprawls out on their side to catch some Zs, it means they feel secure and relaxed. Their stretched-out pose shows that they feel comfortable in their environment.
Side-sleeping is common in older dogs since it stops their body weight from pressing up against their joints, which might be sore and achy.
This position also lets your dog stretch out their limbs, which can have a cooling effect, especially in warmer weather.
You might notice your pup’s paws twitching as though he were running, which means he’s deep in dreamland and ecstatically chasing bunnies through a field.
4. Belly-up sleeping
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For a dog to lie on a back and expose their soft, perfect tummy while they’re asleep signifies utter comfort, trust, and relaxation.
Dogs who show you their belly while they sleep are generally playful and loving and still have that sweet, young puppy energy happening for them.
If your dog sleeps like this often, it means they’re totally happy and secure in your home.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture and all things to do with the entertainment industry.