Astrologer Explains What To Expect When The USA's Pluto Return Ends On November 19, 2024

Pluto returns only happen once every 248 years.

usa pluto return ends november 19, 2024 Photos: ArtsyBeeKids from, b.illustrations

The United States' Pluto return ends on November 19, 2024. We have been experiencing the country's first-ever Pluto return since 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn.

During a Pluto return, Pluto tends to expose what is rotten, corrupt, weak, and needs change. Sure enough, since 2016, we have seen widespread corruption in our government, Hollywood, and other traditionally revered institutions.

Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on November 20th, 2024, where it will remain until January 2044. Pluto in Aquarius will not represent the same strategies or energies. — allmost everything will change.


What to expect when the USA's Pluto return ends on November 19, 2024

Pluto falls in the second house of the U.S. birth chart which rules money, finances, and most importantly, values. Saturn-ruled Capricorn represents the status quo, big business, banks, wealth, and a non-inclusive version of power and patriarchy.

@saturnandhoney Replying to @anneliese 🦋 the once-every-2.5-centuries Pluto return in the United States #greenscreen #astrology #astrologytiktok #astrologytok #astrologyfyp #astrologer #plutoreturn ♬ original sound - june • saturnandhoney

Systems we thought we could rely on have been proven weaker than believed, racism has reared its ugly head, women’s reproductive rights have been overturned and the Supreme Court no longer has the trust of the majority of Americans. We experienced a 100-year pandemic when Saturn conjuncted Pluto in 2020. At this time, the U.S. is involved in two major wars in Russia and Israel, at least through funding and support If not ‘boots on the ground.’  The war in Russia/Ukraine began the first time the Pluto return was exact at 27 degrees in February 2022.


These are only a few of the most obvious events of the US Pluto return and there are many more.

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Events that Pluto in Capricorn brought will carry on until they are changed, which will all take time. 

It is highly unlikely, however, that the darker events and policies of the Pluto return will continue indefinitely because Aquarius is ruled by the futuristic, freedom-oriented, and much more inclusive Uranus.

Uranus adds a twist because it is associated with sudden and unexpected events, meaning many unanticipated events are likely to occur over the next generation. That said, Aquarius can also be associated with war, typically for freedom and independence. The U.S., French, and Haitian Revolutions as well as the Irish uprising all occurred with Pluto in Aquarius. In all of these cases, the revolutions occurred because of freedoms being repressed.


Aquarius rules the 11th house of the zodiac, so Pluto in Aquarius will connect with the collective. Aquarius is the sign ‘of the people.’ It was Abraham Lincoln, an Aquarian himself, who secured the end of slavery in the US and wrote, “This nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from this earth.”

During Pluto’s 20-year transit we will see many geo-political changes.

While there has been a leaning toward right-wing governments as of late, humanity will demand much more than to be ruled or governed by autocrats. As a collective, we will demand more rights, respect, and autonomy from repressive governments. After all, that’s what both the American and French revolutions were all about. We will demand freedom for all, including LGBTQIA+ rights, women’s rights, and those of any other marginalized group. 

@cosmicclimate Whatever sign Pluto is in is often the flavor of that generation. So the fact that it's changing a sign is very rare and it does not happen every day. As a reminder, Pluto is about death and rebirth. It is transformation and it reveals the shadow in whatever it touches. It's revealing the deepest truth possible, and it has been in Capricorn since 2008. #astrology #birthchart #october2024 #fyp #fy #zodacsigns #astrologyvsastronomy #birthchartreading #zodiac #aquariusera #plutoaquarius #recap #moontoday ♬ origineel geluid - Cosmic Climate

During Pluto’s last transit in Aquarius, the Age of Enlightenment peaked, steering us toward Democracy. Real Democracy and equality for all is an Aquarian ideal born during Pluto’s last transit through the sign.


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The end of the U.S.'s Pluto return will usher in major technological advancements.

Uranus rules technology. ChatGPT was launched on November 30, 2022, less than six months before Pluto first dipped its toes into Aquarius for the first time. AI will likely become the norm, which is both good and bad. The good outweighs the bad, but there will have to be safeguards at some point in the future. 

Outside of this, we will continue to see new advances in these and other types of technology. The Industrial Revolution occurred during Pluto’s last transit in Aquarius, changing the world.

Science and medicine will also make tremendous leaps during this period. The first successful smallpox vaccine was invented the last time Pluto was in Aquarius (1777-1798). 


Air travel and spacecraft will advance. For example, SpaceX plans on landing a man on Mars in 2025. NASA is advancing technologies and plans to put a man on Mars in the early 2030s. We will learn a great deal more about our universe. If there was ever a time to understand what UFOs really are, it would be during this generation.

Many social changes will occur post-Pluto return.

Aquarius is a rational air sign as opposed to the more restrictive and patriarchal sign of Capricorn. It is more youth-oriented, whereas Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which typically represents older men. For the last several years, it has been mainly older men making the political decisions that affect us all. This will change dramatically over time.

Pluto will push the boundaries for personal growth on individual levels. In many cases, goals and ideas of what indicates success will change and some people will become experts and innovators advancing the intellectual process overall.

Relationships will change, as Aquarius is an open-minded sign. While romance will always be in the picture, there will be an emphasis on relationships based on friendship. The idea and structures of relationships will change and the ‘ideal’ vision of the nuclear family will likely be no more as Aquarius is about individuality and personal freedom.


Most of all, Aquarius is about personal and collective freedom. We will seek and find freedom and not tolerate those things most people find repressive.

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Common sense will return once the United States' Pluto return ends.

Neptune in Pisces has ushered in numerous conspiracy theories, misinformation, and propaganda. As one of the most rational and intelligent zodiac signs, eventually, some of the current nonsense will start disappearing as we return to a more fact-based orientation.


These are a few of the changes we will see as Pluto transits Aquarius. There will be many more, potentially including changes we may not be able to totally conceive of at this time — and let’s not forget pop culture always changes when Pluto changes signs.

We experienced a transformative transit when the Sun opposed Pluto (in Aquarius) on Sunday, September 21, when President Joe Biden stepped down from running for a second term. By Monday, September 22, Vice President Kamala Harris announced her bid for President. She entered the arena like a Uranian bolt of lightning, bringing youth, youthful supporters, positivity, glamour, enthusiasm, new ideas, and another first: a woman of Black and Asian descent running for President. As I watched this unfold, I thought, whether you like her or not, this is only the beginning of Pluto in Aquarius.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.
