Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On August 21, 2024
We may count this day as a new beginning.

On August 21, the Moon opposes Venus and conjuncts with Neptune, an energy that allows three zodiac signs to see how their loneliness evaporates into thin air.
The conditions are just right; the healing has taken place, and the secure feeling has returned. The tides have turned, as they say, and for three zodiac signs, we may just be able to count this day as a new beginning.
For our loneliness to end, there has to be some kind of closure, as the loneliness we refer to here is the kind that came about as a result of something that happened to us, something that left us sad. Due to the presence of the Moon opposite Venus conjunct Neptune, we can make enough sense of our previous experience to know that it's time to move on officially.
August 21 brings hope into the hearts of those who have spent too much time alone, lost in thought, lost in despair. It's time to start anew, and three zodiac signs will experience clarity and hope on this happy and promising day.
Loneliness ends for three zodiac signs on August 21, 2024.
1. Aries
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OK, the time has come when you need to kiss your loneliness goodbye to make room for all the loving and joyful experiences you know are there, just waiting for you. You're about to change lanes, Aries, which means your loneliness is about to depart for good.
You've spent a long time in that lonely little funk of yours, and you've been feeling as though all you need is a push, and that's where the universe provides you with the transit that will do the trick. Hello, Moon opposite Venus conjunct Neptune. Nothing gets a person out of the doldrums like this transit.
You see what's wrong and decide not to return to it. You get the point, and in doing so, you can free yourself. Now, you can believe in the future again. You are no longer stuck in that place where all you do is put yourself down. Your lonely days are over, and it might just be time to celebrate.
2. Leo
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What happens to you on August 21, is nothing short of a revelation; you get it, finally. You get the idea that you can't handle the feeling of being lonely, and the weird part is that you aren't lonely — you're just playing it as if you are. Okay, what does that mean? It means you've been feeling sorry for yourself, and you've gotten yourself all the way down because of it.
So, during a power-packed transit such as the Moon opposite Venus conjunct Neptune, you'll see that you're the one who is in control here and that if loneliness is what's been getting you down, then you must 'believe' yourself into being 'not' lonely. Yes, it's a mind trip, but you're good at those.
This is the day you end your loneliness by believing that everything will be okay. Yes, it's that simple, and you've done this before with stellar results, so you know you can do it again. Your loneliness was a sad, addictive place that you suddenly decided was no longer worth your time. Done and done.
3. Sagittarius
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You have spent enough time feeling lonely; now, you're sick of it. You don't want to be that guy. You know, the one who always feels sorry for themselves and complains of never getting a break. Oh, this is just so not you, and on August 21, you will wake up from this trance and march on. Loneliness is a place you no longer wish to live in.
And, because you've got the Moon opposite Venus conjunct Neptune to work with, you'll be concentrating on love and how love can heal your wounded soul. Because you are a Sagittarius, love can mean self-love, and because you're very good at turning negative situations around, you'll self-love yourself into a much happier place.
Loneliness served its purpose, and if it was just so that you could have some time by yourself to go over what you want and what you don't want, then it was time well spent. But you don't want to live there forever, so, you give yourself the closure you need. No more loneliness — it's time to energize and socialize.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.