3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On August 20, 2024

Moon conjunct Saturn helps us to heal, by putting us in touch with our real feelings.

Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On August 20, 2024 Erika Garcia via Unsplash / Yulia Krautsevich and Chikovnaya via Canva

Nobody likes to think they're being 'tested' by the universe, but on August 20, 2024, three zodiac signs will feel particularly put upon during this day. The astrology of the day gives us Moon conjunct Saturn, which will turn our attention inwards. We will discover things about ourselves on this day that we might not want to remember...and yet, this will somehow work for us.

Three zodiac signs will be forced to confront something about themselves on this day, and while that might sound heavy, it's not really; what's going on is that in the process of growing as human beings, we do, on occasion, have to look deeply at ourselves. Transits like the Moon conjunct Saturn help us heal by putting us in touch with our real feelings.


One thing we can count on is whatever 'tests' us on to help us get to higher ground. There are no negatives on August 20. We may just have to admit to certain things or deal with them, but either way, we are going to pass this test because we not only have to but because that's how we grow

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Three zodiac signs are being tested by the universe on August 20, 2024.

1. Aries

aries daily transit 1 august 20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


As if you didn't have enough on your plate already. Here comes August 20, and you will be tested by the universe just to see if you get the hint. While this doesn't sound all that wonderful, trust in the universe on this one, Aries; all will turn out far better than you can even imagine.

What's testing your patience on this day is the idea that you'll have to redo something you've already redone because of Moon conjunct Saturn. How many times must you go over this one thing? Several times, but what does this mean, Aries? Quite possibly, it means that you've been negligent.

You don't like being called out, especially by the universe, but this time, you seem to catch on and learn a huge lesson here. What this opens up for you is the idea that if you catch your mistakes in advance, you don't ever have to go back and rework things. While this seems obvious, during Moon conjunct Saturn, it clicks.

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2. Gemini

gemini daily transit 1 august 20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Being tested by the universe seems so unfair to you, as you feel that your entire life has been one big universal test. So, what did you do wrong now, you might wonder. Nothing. Not a thing. You are simply being prodded into action, and what the universe wants you to do is decide where you wish to put your attention.

For another person, this might not be a big deal, but for you, Gemini, making big decisions is a chore you sometimes like to put on the back burner, simply because choosing is not your thing. You end up procrastinating and stalling, and then nothing happens.


During Moon conjunct Saturn, the universe tells you to make something happen. No more dawdling or beating around the bush. While this may feel like a test to you, Gemini, what's really going on during August 20 is that you're getting an opportunity to act, and the universe is prodding you to get involved.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio daily transit 1 august 20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


What you're going to do is you are going to discover that you've been doing something all wrong for a long, long time. Oh no! It's no big tragedy, but it is a way for you to understand that sometimes, you check in with what is right and wrong to not waste time doing the wrong thing for too long.

The universe is really trying to get you to pick up on this and for the sole reason of saving yourself aggravation and anxiety. You are someone who doesn't like to be corrected, and you might even find that you're defensive when people do come in with a slight critique of your work; it's okay. You've got Moon conjunct Saturn to help you see things clearly on this day.

So, you can look forward to trusting yourself again for all the right reasons shortly. You didn't want to take constructive criticism, and it cost you; that was your lesson. Now, you've learned how to deal with it all, and so you can lighten up and give yourself a break. If you feel as though you've been tested, you can also feel as though you've passed that test. Go, Scorpio!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
