Leadership Coach Reveals The Unique Type Of Person That Has The Highest Chance Of Making Money In Life

She described life as a game, and this person has an advantage in winning.

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If you don't know already, your understanding of the world has a huge influence on how much money you make. As the law of attraction suggests, your mindset creates your reality, and the energy you project will manifest the outcomes you desire.

This mentality can be applied to every aspect of your life, from romance to financial success.

A leadership coach revealed the unique type of person who has the best chance of making money.

Anna Tsui is a private business consultant who helps individuals strengthen their businesses by integrating spirituality and dedication. She took to TikTok to reveal the type of person who tends to find more success financially and personally.


“I’ve always held the belief that highly spiritual people have the easiest chance of making money,” Tsui said.


Shouting this for the people in the back

♬ original sound - Anna Tsui

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She explained how those who are spiritual tend to be more aware of the binds of reality, likely due to living a life filled with challenges.

“We tend to incarnate into a life where there’s a lot of trauma, there’s a lot of stuff for us to go through to forget ourselves, to take on other people’s burdens,” she said. “A lot of times we’re abused, and we come in with neurodivergence and chronic illnesses, and we come into a pretty difficult life.”

Despite the obstacles you might encounter throughout your life that will threaten your growth and development, Tsui claimed that our souls choose to incarnate into this exact reality. She emphasized how the challenges you experience, as unpleasant and traumatizing as they might be, actually contribute to your inner strength and wisdom.

While you may feel confused by the reasoning behind your past traumas, these experiences are what open your mind to what’s really happening.


“We see through capitalism, we see through hierarchy, it’s all made up,” she said. “We see the whole thing, and we don’t want to participate yet.”

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Tsui described life as a ‘game,’ and we all have the power to win.

While holding spiritual beliefs might cause you to feel isolated and disconnected from the reality of our human culture, it can also provide an opportunity to finesse the system.

“We can fully access our spiritual powers so that we can play life like a game,” Tsui explained. “When we are already disconnected from life, when we can already see the bigger picture if we release our judgment and resistance of making money … we are already programmed for that.”


By harnessing the power you hold as a spiritually enlightened person, you actually have an advantage over your success and wealth.

“We know how to jump to different belief systems. We know how to look at ourselves from a critical perspective. We know how to play the mental game and the emotional game,” she shared.

She stated that if you can focus your energy on your overall goal, you will be able to manifest abundant wealth and success, but there is a key ingredient to doing so. In another video, Tsui elaborated on this ‘missing ingredient’ we all need in order to win at life.


The universe wants you to be happy and passionate about your life.

“Are you having fun in the game? Are you flirting with life?” Tsui revealed. “Life responds so much more powerfully to you when you are playing with it, when you’re in that juicy energy of having fun and giggling.”

She emphasized the power of following your passions and having fun along the way and how this "awakening energy" will allow you to tap into the universe’s “access code.”

“We are going to hype up our special interest,” she added. “We’re going to dare the universe to give us more and more.”


As many spiritual people are already aware, we can manipulate our lives to offer us everything we desire by simply trusting in the abundant flow of positive energy and embracing our innermost passions.

You can still accomplish your goals with a diligent and responsible approach, but when you can integrate excitement and enrichment into your experience, you are aligning your energy to be open to receiving even more than you would have ever expected. 

In essence, true wealth is more than just the dollars you make — it encompasses the ability to experience life fully. Once you can recognize and accept this, abundance will flow seamlessly into your life.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.