3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On August 9, 2024

Mars is not messing around.

Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On August 9, 2024

If we feel as though the universe is testing us on August 9, 2024, it's because the transit, the Moon trine Mars, is leading the investigation. Mars's presence in our daily astrology shows us that whatever happens today is meant to be. Mars is not messing around. Friday brings us a day that tests us, for sure. 

We may take it personally and act on it, or we may wonder what all these 'signs' mean. Three zodiac signs will take what's going on to the heart and do something about it, as there's a certain kind of urgency going on during this day that we may feel we need to pay attention to.


That's Mars energy for you; it pushes and pushes until we finally notice it. At first, this may feel invasive, as if we're being forced to see something we don't necessarily wish to acknowledge, but that's why the universe is behind the deed 

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This 'test' is something Aries, Virgo and Scorpio zodiac signs will have to pass on August 9, 2024.

1. Aries

Aries Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On August 9, 2024 warmjuly | Canva Pro


If you look around you, Aries, it really does seem as though you're being set up for some kind of cosmic joke — or are you? Perhaps what you're really picking up on is the idea that there are changes you can make and that you're not actually the victim of circumstance here.

Ah, this is big. You'll finally see how this all works out. What has felt like a test, brought to you via the universe, is now starting to look more like a puzzle, and the way you feel on August 9, well, you like a good puzzle.

So much of this is because you are good at figuring things out. Moon trine Mars shows you that there is a way out and that you needn't buckle over at the idea that life is, on occasion, very hard. Whatever you're going through right now, Aries, know this: it will pass, and you will find your way above water ... very soon.

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2. Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On August 9, 2024 warmjuly | Canva Pro

Not another test, you may be thinking, and in a way, it's not so much a test brought to you by the universe but more along the lines of you learning something the hard way. What this day shows you is that there are no shortcuts, not for what it is that you want to accomplish.

Friday puts you in the right place at the right time to act on something you've wanted to try for a long, long time. This is why it's so crucial that you recognize the timing here. The Moon trine Mars can guide you to making the right choice if you notice that this is when the iron is hot. You need to strike it.


The universe is not trying to test your patience. It's merely trying to get you out of your funk and back on track again. Because Mars is working FOR you, you get to leap in and trust that it will all work out well for you. That means action, Virgo; you can't wiggle your way out of this one.

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3. Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On August 9, 2024 warmjuly | Canva Pro


If you feel the universe is trying to test you this Friday, know that what you're really feeling is anxiety about timing. OK, what that means is that before you, there's an opportunity. It may be something truly remarkable and positive, but your hesitancy has you distrusting the situation.

This is when you start to feel like you're being tested, thinking it's all a trick — like a play of light. You've become so wary of good opportunities that you aren't sure of a truly good one when it presents itself to you anymore. Relax and trust this one, Scorpio. During the Moon's trine to Mars, you're in good hands.

You can choose to see it as a test, but if so, then see it as a test you will pass with flying colors. There is no good reason for you to overthink this ... all is good, Scorpio, and the last thing you want to do is miss out on this very good opportunity simply because you can't rustle up a little trust. Stay with it, stay strong.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
