4 Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On August 2, 2024

Saturn blows the roof off of our own limitations

Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On August 2, 2024 Sketchify, anontae | Canva Pro

Because we have the transit of Moon trine Saturn, we will come to remember August 2 as the day we entered a period of prosperity and abundance. Astrology has it that four zodiac signs will react particularly well to this transit, meaning that we will allow it to happen. We won't be preventing that which is good from reaching us.

Saturn transits can go any number of ways, but when trined with the Moon, we're looking at how we blow the roof off of our limitations, and these limitations may be materialistic. We may not have thought of ourselves as people who were born to make great fortunes, but then again, we may have never thought otherwise. 


August 2, 2024 four zodiac signs are entering a period of prosperity, which is 'the new reality.'

1. Aries

Aries Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On August 2, 2024 Ganesha creative, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

The reason things are about to go so well for you, Aries, is because you are consciously trying to avoid making the same mistakes twice. Because you are highly intelligent, you know that the errors you've made in the past had to have a reason and that by learning what NOT to do in the present, you create a plan of action.


Because you want riches and wealth, you have learned to work with the universe. You aren't going to get anything by demanding or grabbing. Waiting your turn may be hard for you to do, but you've learned that patience really does pay off. How interesting, and what's more, on August 2, patience does pay off.

You are now entering a period of great prosperity, Aries, and it's all built on the premise of patience and trust. Because you've got a Moon trine Saturn transit to help you piece it all together, you can see that this is really happening and that you CAN believe in it. So it goes. Prosperity enters.

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2. Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On August 2, 2024 Ganesha creative, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


You've always been a big show-off regarding your self-belief and knowing you were destined for riches. While your self-confidence is admirable and inspiring, you haven't always been fully in touch with the actual 'money' of it all. Still, that hasn't dulled your belief.

On August 2, you'll receive a booster from the transit of Moon trine Saturn, which lets you know that things are about to improve. Well, that's OK with you, Taurus! You feel something shift in the universal vibe as things are finally starting to move your way, and you'd be right.

You no longer have the limits that Saturn imposed on you. Claim your moment in the spotlight. This is only the beginning, as it seems as though you're about to walk into a very prosperous and blessed season in your life. Good for you — you worked hard for this day to come.

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3. Libra

Libra Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On August 2, 2024 Ganesha creative, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

August 2 sets you up for a big surprise, Libra. While you might not have thought all of this would start on a Friday, well, that's how it's going down. When you've got a transit like Moon trine Saturn working for you, you must go with the flow because this 'flow' is all about abundance and prosperity.

Come to think of it, you'd like a piece of that pie, wouldn't you? Well, it's a good thing you're hungry because it seems as though you're about to walk into a very prosperous period in your life, one that sees no boundaries. This is huge luck you've just come into, and it promises more and more by the day.


Because the Moon trine Saturn's presence in the cosmic sky, you'll know that the only person who ever held you back was yourself. By knowing this, you can finally lay it aside — for good. You are no longer standing in your way. In fact, you are making way for the greatness that seems to be knocking on your door right now.

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4. Sagittarius

Scorpio Zodiac Signs Enter A Period Of Prosperity On August 2, 2024 Ganesha creative, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


You have never really imagined yourself as a person of great wealth, although you never fought against the idea, either. What you feel is that, if you had the money, you could handle the idea of being rich. What you might not be aware of is that August 2 ushers in a period of prosperity for you, Sagittarius.

So, due to transits like the Moon trine Saturn, you see that you are quite fortunate when it comes to finance and that you haven't been kept out of the loop. Prosperity may just be your birthright, Sagittarius, and you, being someone who welcomes positive experiences, will warm to this idea very well this Friday.

You've never really felt all that limited by anything. Yes, you admit that there are certain things you're just 'not good at,' but that's life on Earth; we're not masters at everything. You are a master of acceptance, and you are very much able to accept the idea that you're bound for a prosperous future. Nice going.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
