If You Use These 11 Phrases Almost Every Day, You're More Intelligent Than You Realize
You may not know just how sharp you are.

If you consider yourself smart but aren't sure why, it's important to realize that being intelligent is a lot more than just test scores and memorization.
Truthfully, being considered intelligent has to do with how we're perceived by others. So, if you're unsure if you fit the bill, there are a few things intelligent people say each day that make them stand out from the rest.
You're more intelligent than you realize if you use these 11 phrases every day
1. 'I'm eager to learn new things'
Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock
If you've uttered this phrase, you're more intelligent than you think. Intelligent people understand that they don't know everything, but that doesn't mean they won't try and learn.
More often than not, an intelligent person will go to great lengths to learn something new. That's because smart people understand that if they want to progress in life, they need to do more than just teach — they have to be a student as well.
2. 'I'm curious about what you think'
fizkes / Shutterstock
Truly intelligent people care about the opinions of others. They care about what other people think and why they think the way they do. That's due to intelligent people knowing that there's great power in diverse thinking. If they want to put forth the greatest and most creative work, they need to be willing to depend on others and their thought process.
Intelligent people also understand that having smarts doesn't mean having the best opinions. As Stephen Davies points out in the American Institute for Economic Research, "The point is that there is no general tendency for the opinions or decisions of the intelligent to be any better than those of the less intelligent."
Davies adds that smartness is not greatness, and if we look at history, we will find that people tend to gravitate toward those who have great virtue or morals. The truth is that, even back then, intelligence could only get you so far.
3. 'Can you break it down for me?'
Kindel Media / Pexels
You may be met with frustration when you say, "Can you break that down for me?" And people might roll their eyes and sigh because you "don't understand." However, if you're an intelligent person, there's a reason why you ask this question.
Likely, it's because you want to get things right the first time. You want to learn and figure out how to perfect something before you've tried it on your own. In this way, you don't have to revisit that person and relearn what you shouldn't know in the first place.
4. 'What do you think about all this?'
It might be hard to believe, but truly intelligent people will almost always run things by other people. Once again, this is because they understand that there's power in diverse thinking and in looking at things from a different perspective.
If you tend to ask people what they think about a certain situation, don't sweat it too much. Truly intelligent people will take the opinions of others and use them to improve themselves.
5. 'I can see where you're coming from'
Christina Morillo / Pexels
Highly intelligent people have a gift for looking at things from a different perspective. They don't just focus on their own way of thinking; rather, they want to expand their horizons and see the situation from all viewpoints.
They are able to put themselves in other people's shoes and understand where others are coming from. Likely, if you're intelligent, you probably grew up reading a lot. In fact, one study from Scientific American found that active readers are better in tune with other people's emotions and feelings.
6. 'That's a great question, but let me get back to you on that'
fizkes / Shutterstock
There's nothing more powerful than admitting you don't know everything, and intelligent people know this more than anyone.
A famous study conducted by David Dunning and Justin Kruger showed that people who were most confident did worse on tests, while those who were least confident scored higher on their tests. This came to be known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, where people who lack knowledge or skill in a certain area overestimate their own competence.
But why is this? Michigan State University points out, "When you have a great deal of confidence, you might not seek additional knowledge because you think you know it all." But because intelligent people understand the complexity, they are more likely to seek answers.
7. 'Can you clarify what you mean by that?'
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
There's nothing more awkward and frustrating than a misunderstanding. As Anne Katz, PhD, RN, FAAN puts it, "Assumptions are the opposite of open communication; they remain unsaid and often expand to include thoughts that are unrelated to the initial feeling."
Assumptions are dangerous because they can easily turn sideways and lead to the breakdown of healthy relationships. But truly intelligent people always ask for clarification to avoid this. They never just assume what someone else means; they go to the source directly and ask if they are ever confused.
8. 'Tell me more'
Karolina Kaboompics / Pexels
There's nothing better than getting to the core of what someone else is thinking — at least for an intelligent person. These individuals want to know the full story. Before they make a decision or give their opinion, they want to have all the facts.
If you find yourself saying, "Tell me more," you're likely more intelligent than you think. Because truly intelligent people always get their facts straight.
9. 'I'd like to hear your side of the story first'
cottonbro studio / Pexels
Knowing the full story of a situation is a great practice that intelligent people have mastered. Before they comment or try to fix something, they extract the details and analyze it from all perspectives.
Only when they get their facts figured out do they make their move and fix the situation. But until then, an intelligent person will almost always ask, "I'd like to hear your side of the story first."
10. 'I'd like some feedback on this'
RDNE Stock project / Pexels
People who are highly intelligent very much enjoy receiving feedback. They love knowing the different ways they can improve and what they are lacking in. While it's normal for many people to hate receiving criticism, for intelligent individuals, it's a benefit.
While getting feedback can be brutal, bright people use those comments to learn from their mistakes and better themselves. Through this, they take great pleasure in seeing how far they have grown.
11. 'I've changed my mind'
Juan Pablo Serrano / Pexels
When you say you've changed your mind, it's a glaring sign that you're more intelligent than you think you are. That's because smart people are always revising the way that they think. They research and alter their opinions based on their findings.
This is probably why intelligent people are known to be indecisive; it's because they are expanding their knowledge constantly, and using that information to build upon their original opinion.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.