Relationships Change Significantly For 3 Zodiac Signs In August 2024

The transits will show us that when we are willing to put in the work, we can experience growth.

monthly relationship challenges horoscope august 2024 Robert Gruszecki / Pexels, WinWin.artlab, and Thinkstock Images / Photo Images via Canva

August 2024 will bring some powerful astrology with the heavy energy sweeping the collective. However, the transits can bring highly challenging relationship energy to Mutable signs this month. Jupiter and Mars in Gemini will conjunct and then Saturn in Pisces will be squaring these planets. 

But Saturn will also aspect Venus in Virgo through an opposition. It may feel ruthless and intense but electrifying. Nonetheless, these are transits and energy that Mutables have grown accustomed to since it is a story they experienced during Saturn in Sagittarius and now Saturn in Pisces. 


The medicine for this headache is to take things calmly and communicate effectively. Be clear about what you want and what you say. Consider the way you say things because Saturn's opposition to Venus can make everyone’s words feel cruel. And be willing to reconcile and apologize. 

The transits are going to test us all, and with Saturn involved, they are demanding patience from us. So, cry to release stress, prepare to listen to others, plan to forgive, and ask for forgiveness when needed. The transits will show us that when we are willing to put in the work, we can experience growth.

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Relationships will go through significant change for these three zodiac signs during the month of August 2024.

1. Virgo

virgo monthly relationship challenges horoscope august 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

Tensions from the Mutable T-Square this month mean that you are on track to enter a new level. Venus and Mercury will both be in your sign for part of the month, making a conflicting aspect to Mars and Saturn. It can be a period of renewal and understanding as long as you are willing to listen and communicate efficiently with others

Your relationships will be tested, and your patience will be required as these aspects heat up. But because Saturn has already initiated the transformation in your relationship house, this can be a time to level up your connections. 


Although the pressure will build, you are knowledgeable enough to navigate the tense mutable waters with tact. The way to handle Mars is to work with a plan and not react if you feel frustrated. Remember to take vacation days if you can or to be mindful of periods when you need to rest a bit more. If you can approach these transits with discipline and grace, you can expect your bond to be stronger than ever after these transits conclude.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius monthly relationship challenges horoscope august 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


The ruler of your 7th will be stationing retrograde on the 5th, bringing changes and challenges. Mars in Gemini will heat things up with your communication for most of the month, and when it conjuncts Jupiter, expect the explosiveness to either make you more passionate or make you second-guess a romantic connection. As the planet of war makes a square to Venus, Mercury, and Saturn, you will be forced to take things easy and reflect before reacting. Developing a diplomatic mindset works in your favor now. 

Make it your priority during this time to protect your boundaries and be vocal about them. However, make sure to say things politely because there is room for misinterpretation with these transits. 

The energy can also be prominent at home or work, so it is essential that you can achieve a balance during this time. Utilize this time to focus on a hobby or something that makes you happy. Nevertheless, your evolution is imminent as long as you are willing to compromise and be more humble towards others.

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3. Pisces

pisces monthly relationship challenges horoscope august 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

Mercury rules your relationship house, and it will retrograde during August beginning on the 5th, making this a period where relationships from the past may return. As Mars continues to weave its story in the sign of Gemini, you can see how the energy builds up at home. 

Instead of arguing with those around you, channel this energy into something productive and fulfilling. Home improvement projects could be a great way to release tension. Mercury will return to the sign of Leo on the 14th, where you can find alignment with your creative energy. 


But Venus will enter your relationship house on the 4th, and even though it will oppose Saturn for part of the month, there's still value in this placement. The benefit will help you balance, but because it is in Virgo, the truth will sting. Saturn’s opposition to Venus strips any illusions you may have had of a partner. The harsh reality may help you see what it is you truly want in a connection.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
