What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024

Major shifts are happening this week bringing some surprises.

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Moon Project, Happy Nati From Getty Images |Canva Pro

Things get interesting with the Sun entering Leo on the 22nd and Mercury entering Virgo on the 25th. The planet of communication will be in domicile, making the transit welcoming; however, we will expect some challenges from Mars and Saturn brewing in the next several weeks. 

Mercury can allow us to get back to our responsibilities and help us brainstorm new and enriching ideas, especially when this transit aspects Mars for a few days this week. 


The Sun in Leo is mesmerizing, exciting and illuminating, making it a fantastic and inspiring energy to journal and see things more optimistically. Mercury helps us make plans to get what we want this week. 

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Let's see what each zodiac sign can manifest the week of July 22 - 28, 2024

Aries: Romance

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva


A whirlwind romance could be brewing on the horizon or the beginning of a new learning journey may be tied to the Sun entering Leo this week, illuminating the area of your chart where your adventurer spirit craves to explore new horizons. For the next several weeks, you may analyze love and romance and how you want to incorporate it into your world. 

Leo Season can assist you with your work, planning and confidence. Believe in yourself. The Sun and Pluto will oppose each other early in the week, and it is a period of creative abundance, love and joy.

Journal Prompt: How has your love life evolved this year? If you are in a relationship, what do you hope to elevate? If you are single, what partners are you hoping to attract?

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Taurus: Inspiration

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva

With the Sun in Leo, you will feel much more comfortable staying grounded and nourishing your emotional and/or spiritual needs from the comfort of your home. Leo season ushers in a period where you can reflect and learn from your mistakes.

Take action with the Sun in opposition to Pluto because it allows you to transform and metamorphose in your career. With Mercury also entering the sign of Virgo this week, it can be a time to test out some new ideas because you will find inspiration from the people you love and admire.


Journal prompt: What magic do you want to create during this period? Have you felt more connected with your creative energy since Mercury ingressed Leo? How would you like Mercury in Virgo to help you to heal from previous relationships?

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Gemini: Intellect

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva


Your ruler is entering a fellow Mercury-ruled sign, Virgo. It will be a moment where you will prioritize your success, and nothing can stop you. Analyze where you want to go and what you will do to improve. The Sun in Leo also allows you to stand out and shine confidently, especially when accepting leadership roles. 

Taking on projects that allow you to express yourself and encourage you to be in the spotlight will help nourish your ego. You are an unstoppable force during this time, but you are reminded to take things slow and not burn yourself out by simultaneously taking on too many projects.

Journal prompt: What new things do you desire to learn during the Mercury in Virgo transit? Do you feel like you are giving it your all regarding your creativity? How will you give it your all during this time?

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Cancer: Social support

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva

A time of building and getting closer to the people and community you have that continues empowering you. The Sun in Leo will give you the tools to continue growing and expanding your circle of friends. It can be a very fruitful and enlightening transit with the Sun in opposition to Pluto, teaching you about honoring your boundaries. 

You are entering a stage now where accepting help from others is much easier, but you are only to do this with people who reciprocate the energy. You are also learning to be more patient with yourself. Show yourself lots of love.


Journal prompt: Discuss the people in your life that uplift, inspire and bring you joy. What do you plan to learn during this period? Are you protecting your boundaries?

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Leo: Radiance

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva


A new epoch with the Sun finally in your sign, adding beams of confidence and radiance. Although we are navigating the transits, the Sun in your sign brings us hope and fearlessness. With Pluto connecting with your sign this week, you will feel a personal metamorphosis that can help you grow and discover your true self. 

It is a period where revisiting an old relationship can allow you to develop understanding of what you want to incorporate in your existing or future connections. The learning you do now will only continue to help you elevate.

Journal Prompt: How are you showing yourself kindness during the last several weeks? What have you learned from old relationships? What will you do to empower the relationship you have with yourself?

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Virgo: Clarity

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva

Finally, your ruler is now in your sign, bringing clarity and optimism. The energy now can feel restorative and electrifying. You know you can succeed at any task because you will be prepared and disciplined to complete your duties. 

Your ruler may receive conflicting energy from Saturn, but you are prepared for the ups and downs since you are motivated to continue evolving and growing. Leo season helps you tap into the fighter within, knowing that you will not settle until you win.


Journal Prompt: Do you feel pride in your accomplishments this year? Discuss them. What will you achieve in the next several weeks before the Sun moves into your sign?

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Libra: Connection

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva


As you consider your path during this time, it can feel like a period where recharging will give you answers and self-assurance. Leo season will be a moment where you can feel in your element, focused on accomplishing and connecting with the people you love. 

You will be triumphant when you network and meet people who can push you in the career sector. But Mercury in Virgo will remind you to bring some balance, especially if you feel burnt out by working too hard. It is important to integrate rest and meditation into your routine. The energy now pushes you to admire your achievements and see the power you hold.

Journal Prompt: Do you feel that your routine is balanced? Are you giving yourself self-care when needed? Discuss how you plan to improve taking care of your needs this week.

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Scorpio: Nobility

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva

As you reclaim your crown, the Sun at the highest point in your chart is a reminder that you are entering a period of power. People may notice your hard work in the last year, and you may receive your merits. Giving it your all during this transit will help you to reclaim your position at the summit if you want to continue advancing. 

The Sun’s rays will put you in the spotlight, showcasing your achievements. The Leo energy also serves as a wake-up call to help focus on your needs and happiness. It is a time when your confident energy thrives, and Mercury in Virgo will allow you to share love and hone your skills.


Journal Prompt: Discuss how you stood out from others in academia or your career. Do you feel excited about Saturn in Pisces's impact on your sign? What responsibilities did you take on this year?

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Sagittarius: Personal expansion

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva


Leo energy enters a part of your chart that can spark excitement. Expect to be inspired to embark on a journey filled with personal expansion, with the Leo Sun giving you the skill set and vision to pursue what your heart desires. 

The expansive energy allows you to redefine your routines to reach a balance between work and home. If things have been uninspiring lately, it is your moment to switch goals; focus on sharpening your understanding or mastering something new to expand, with Mercury entering the highest point in your chart.

Journal Prompt: Have you felt inspired to learn something new? What valuable things have you learned that you would like to expand on? Do you want to learn a new skill? Discuss any traveling plans you may have for this year or next year.

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Capricorn: Victory

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva

As we all settle into this Leo energy, you will see the ebbs and flows of the transits of this period. Mercury in Virgo can serve as a treasure box with plenty of gifts to help you enter the next phase. 

For those wanting or wanting to have prominent breakthroughs, the Sun in Leo can catalyze discipline and focus on generating success. Of course, you must first develop many routines that involve self-care. Root for yourself, trust and honor yourself because that’s what Leo season wants us to learn.


Journal Prompt: Discuss your victories in the last year. Are you making time to be social? Discuss the types of friends you want to attract during Mercury’s ingress in Virgo.

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Aquarius: Collaboration

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva


Love will be connected with the Sun in Leo, bringing new energy to your relationship house. But this can be a good networking experience with the Sun, aiding you with plenty of charisma and magnetism. You will thrive in social settings as well as academia or work. 

It is your moment to showcase your intelligence and why people need to have you on their close friends list. Expect this energy to bring you much awareness, with Pluto opposing your sign, giving you insight into people’s intentions. You could be more methodical during this period.

Journal Prompt: What type of romance do you want in your life? Are you spending time with your partner? If you are single, do you want a relationship? Discuss your hopes and dreams during this Sun in Leo transit.

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Pisces: Balance

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Manifest The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabé and Deadframe Works Images / Canva

While the Sun in Leo will bring the collective a dose of happiness and enthusiasm, the Mercury in Virgo transit will have you opening your heart to love and the ups and downs it may bring. A touch of reality will be felt with the Mercury transit, especially once Saturn meets up to express some cold and harsh messages. 

Nevertheless, the transit is all about uplifting you and allowing you to see a balance of the positives and negatives, with Jupiter in Gemini adding some light and optimism during your journey. You are here to welcome the experiences of love and to cherish even the connections that may have hurt.


Journal Prompt: Discuss the relationships that have transformed you the most. Are you opening up to the people closest to you during this time? What qualities make the ideal partner for you?

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
