The 3 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By The Powerful Full Moon From July 22 - 28, 2024

Pluto's involvement brings powerful energy to the Moon.

The Powerful Capricorn Full Moon Will Affect These 3 Zodiac Signs The Most From July 22 - 28, 2024 FG Trade and claudio.arnese from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

We start the week with a bang as the Sun moves into Leo on July 22 and opposes Pluto until the next day. This transit affects events on the world stage and our personal lives. This can manifest as power struggles, a sense of forced change, endings, confrontations and unexpected revelations.

Pluto will connect with the Full Moon later this week, unleashing powerful energy that affects us all but three zodiac signs the most.


Pluto rules bullies, and you could experience this in some form, whether at work or elsewhere. Alternatively, you could overstep bounds that lead to issues with others if you are unaware of your actions and personal limitations.

We are under the effects of the heavy Capricorn Full Moon that fell yesterday, dealing with security issues, whether job security or something else. A Full Moon is very powerful the week it occurs and the following week and the energy can last until the next New Moon two weeks later.


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These three zodiac signs will feel the intensity the most, starting July 22 - 28, 2024.

1. Aquarius

The Powerful Capricorn Full Moon Will Affect These 3 Zodiac Signs The Most From July 22 - 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

If you were born at the beginning of your sign, approximately January 19 - 21, you have Pluto conjunct your Sun, which alone represents a challenging period. Alternatively, if your ascendant is 0-1 degrees of Aquarius, it is still challenging even if you have another Sun sign.


When the Sun enters Leo on July 22nd in the early morning hours, the Sun’s opposition to Pluto ‘sets off’ Pluto’s aspect to your Sun or ascendant. Typically, an aspect like this brings out Pluto’s energy, and the events that occur can show you what the Pluto-Sun aspect is all about, at least to some degree.

Sun/Pluto aspects deal with situations, issues, people, relationships, or something else that has broken down. This aspect relates to power struggles, especially in relationships, but it can affect some other areas of your life, depending on where the Sun is located in your chart.

Alternatively, you can create a power struggle yourself by being too demanding or not paying enough attention to other people’s concerns or issues.

This is a stressful aspect, and Pluto relates to bullies who try to force their will upon others. Alternatively, it can be a transformation of some sort that is seldom easy. Some things may end at this time.


The Full Moon on July 21st fell in your 12th house, which is often referred to as ‘the house of troubles’ by astrologers. Of course, this can be for better or worse, depending on what the moon aspects in your chart, if anything. Whatever ‘events’ the Full Moon brings typically do not play out on the day of the Full Moon but over the days following its lunar peak.

The 12th house rules the subconscious mind, and this moon will stir up any unresolved issues you have. You may be alone more this week or wish to spend some time alone or in seclusion. Since the 12th house rules hospitals and other large institutions, you could find yourself visiting someone in a hospital, prison or some other isolated place at this time

Mercury’s square to Uranus falls in your 7th to 4th houses related to partnerships and home/family. It is certainly possible to get some unexpected news from these quarters. Watch your communication involving partners and family members, and don’t be too abrupt or argumentative. 

Alternatively, responses like this can be directed toward you. Lastly, be careful, especially when driving, because overall, people won’t pay as much attention as they should, and the worst-case scenario could be an accident. Use caution for at least a couple of days.


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2. Pisces

The Powerful Capricorn Full Moon Will Affect These 3 Zodiac Signs The Most From July 22 - 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Monday’s Sun's opposition to Pluto falls in your 6th /12th houses of work and health, which continues into the next day. If you feel there is an issue concerning your health, now is the time to see a doctor. Otherwise, this aspect can affect your work.


You could become involved in power struggles with others at work, or something at work could end. It's best to sidestep contentious issues and people for a few days and let this energy play out without you.

By Tuesday around midday or sooner, the Moon’s square to Mars can create friction with women, family members or others. This may crop up unexpectedly, and if you let yourself dive into the energy, you could end up quite upset. A better idea is to look at things logically and sidestep the heavy and angry emotions.

Wednesday, the Moon will conjunct Saturn and Saturn is in your sign, so this could be a bit of a double whammy. You may feel exhausted, frustrated and have little energy. If you were born between March 7 - 9, you have Saturn conjunct with your Sun, which is never a light time, and the Moon’s transit will affect you more than others.

Saturday is another day to be aware of with the Moon’s square to Pluto. This is typically an intense but brief period that can bring up some deep-seated emotions. This would likely fall in the area of neighbors, immediate family members or extended family. Your subconscious mind is at play here, and our subconscious mind can sometimes take off on its own, bringing up fears or unpleasant truths. Roll with it, though, and by evening, it should pass.


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3. Virgo

The Powerful Capricorn Full Moon Will Affect These 3 Zodiac Signs The Most From July 22 - 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

The Sun enters your 12th house on Monday, beginning a period of about a month during which your subconscious issues and fears can be illuminated. Pluto is transiting your 6th house of work and health. Like Pisces, if you feel there is a health issue, now is the time to visit a doctor. Work could be affected by this transit, but it will put more of a focus on the 12th house or what lies in your own subconscious mind.


This could represent an internal power struggle or an issue with someone that stirs up your emotions and potentially brings up bad memories. It is also a time to come to terms with your own subconscious fears.

By Wednesday, the Moon’s conjunction with Saturn falls in your 7th house of partners. Are you dwelling on the past today or trying to find an issue with a partner? Alternatively, you might have to undertake some task that you would rather not do, but there is little choice except to ‘get it done.’

Thursday morning's meeting of the Moon and Neptune could leave you feeling a little depressed or confused. As the Moon will be void, this is not the time to take any action about important affairs.


Saturday’s Moon square Pluto can mark another intense period by mid-afternoon. This could involve some type of communication or issue with an immediate family member, neighbor or extended family member. Are things really that bad, or is this your subconscious mind generating fear and anxiety again?

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.
