10 Phrases Good Men Say When They Are Husband Material

If he says any of these to you, you might want to consider putting a ring on it!

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Since some of us were little, we have envisioned the kind of man we will marry one day. While we have certainly dreamt about what he will look like and how he will sweep us off our feet, we likely haven’t put much thought into the things he will say to us.

There are many things a man could say that unlock the key to our hearts, and here are just a few of them that could make him marriage material!


10 phrases good men who are worth marrying will say to you:

1. ‘I saw this, and it made me think of you.’

Even when you are not physically with your partner, it is nice to know that you are still on their minds.

Woman smiling at a text from her boyfriend Perfect Wave | Shutterstock

Women love to receive little reminders that their partners are thinking of them throughout the day, whether it be a link to a movie trailer you were both talking about seeing or a photo of an animal you like.


It doesn’t even have to be anything big — just something meaningful to you and your relationship!

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2. 'You can do it; I believe in you.’

No matter what challenges we face in life, many of us going through hard times appreciate words of encouragement from the people we love.

Their words speak significant volumes, and when we feel like the weight of life is crushing us, a little support can pull us right back up. 

man supporting woman fizzles / Shutterstock


According to VeryWell Mind, words of support and affirmation from our partners play a crucial role in our relationships. They strengthen communication, improve emotional intimacy, and can boost your and your partner’s confidence and sense of self-worth.

Knowing that your partner is on the sidelines cheering you on through life’s toughest moments makes them a little easier to navigate through.

3. ‘I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it.’

Similar to receiving words of encouragement, women love to hear their partners recognize all of their hard work and praise them for it.

Not only do they want to know that their partners love them as they are, but that their love for them is deepened because of everything they do to reach their goals.


Women also like to know that their partners have faith in them.

Sometimes an “I’m so proud of you” means so much more than “I love you.”

RELATED: 15 Things Good Men Say To The Person They Truly Love

4. ‘You’re right, I was wrong. Let’s fix this.’

There is nothing more attractive than a man who is able to recognize his own faults and can admit when he is wrong. Even the kindest men mess up from time to time and will do things that will irritate you or hurt your feelings.

However, a man worth marrying will realize that he does not always have to be right and will take whatever measures are necessary to fix a problem. 

He will apologize, correct his wrongdoings and will do whatever it takes to affirm your safety and trust with him instead of placing the blame of every disagreement onto you.


5. ‘You’re not alone. I’ll be by your side no matter what.’

Marriage is all about teamwork. A man worth marrying will be an ideal teammate.

He will always make it known that he has your back, will be by your side, and tackle anything and everything life throws at you while holding your hand.

You want to marry someone whom you can share life’s greatest moments with and someone you can lean on during the heaviest sorrows.

6. ‘Tell me about your day.’

A good man will spend just as much time talking as he does listening. When he asks about the details of your day, he is offering a listening ear

Whether you want to rave about your job promotion or vent about the difficult people you encountered throughout the day, a man worth marrying will allow you to share anything that’s on your mind.


man listening to woman Simona pilolla 2 / Shutterstock

And if you need him to give advice or words of encouragement, he will certainly do that, too.

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7. ‘Is my baby okay?’

While “my baby” is something most women swoon over when they hear their man say it, hearing them ask us if we’re doing okay is even better.


Women like to know that their partner not only loves them but is interested in their well-being. A man who expresses interest and concern for his partner's feelings is a man worth marrying. 

8. ‘Did you eat today?’

While it may seem like an insignificant question no greater than “how was your day?” a man who asks if you’ve eaten cares deeply about your health and well-being.

When a man asks if you’ve eaten a meal yet today, he wants to make sure that you are taking care of yourself in the best possible way.

And if you say no, chances are he will surprise you with lunch to keep you from starving. Every good man knows that a fed woman is a happy woman!


9. ‘I can’t believe you’re mine. I’m so proud to be yours.’

When a woman is with a good man, she will often hear “You’re so lucky!” and “You hit the jackpot!” from others. While this may be true, it is important to know that the man is just as lucky.

A good man will not only make you feel like the luckiest woman on Earth, but he will also make it clear just how lucky he is. 

No matter how long he has been with her, he will ensure that his partner knows just how grateful he is to have her through the good and bad days.


When a woman says, “I’m so lucky,” a man worth marrying will respond with, “I’m luckier.”

10. ‘I’ll go get you tacos.’

Okay, maybe it doesn’t have to be tacos (but who doesn’t love them), but you get the idea.

A man worth marrying will familiarize himself with all of your favorite foods and drinks so he can get them for you when you are having a rough day when you haven’t had dinner yet, or just because he wants to!

Your man will know the secrets to your heart, and most of the time, a fulfilled food craving will unlock it!

man feeding woman Nemanja Novakovic / Shutterstock


So, if you’re contemplating whether or not he’s the one, reflect back and see if he has ever said any one of these things to you. If he has, ask him for a ring!

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.