My Health Collapsed Working 70 Hours A Week. I Found The Cure In Peru.
Listen to your heart, and you will find a life more fulfilling than anything you even dare to dream.

Many end up living the life that’s expected of them, instead of the life they truly desire — or they let fear hold them back. That used to be me. Then my health collapsed and it propelled me towards my dreams. Now I am the author of the internationally successful books and run global retreats in Peru, Egypt, South Africa, and more. My journey is such proof that when you release limiting beliefs and follow your heart, it creates a life beyond your wildest dreams.
My pathway to corporate success
As a child, my heart was filled with dreams of being a writer. Photos of sacred sites and ancient civilizations like Peru and Egypt sparked my fascination. As I grew, I knew my path was to make a difference in the world. I swore I would never be chained to a desk.
Yet, like so many of us, I was conditioned into the ‘way of the world’. My parents wanted me to succeed in life. To them, my dreams would not bring abundance. So, they coached me into what they saw as a real career.
For years, I excelled in top advertising agencies. It was 70-hour weeks. The adrenalin and accolades kept me going. I had the water-view apartment and was on a six-figure salary by age 24. Yet deep down it was all hollow. It felt like I was living someone else’s life.
One day, my manager offered me a huge promotion. That night, I left work and threw up in the gutter. I was overcome by a sense of impending doom and knew somehow I needed to take back control of my life. The next day, I handed in my resignation.
A health crisis put me on my path
I went on to work in fantastic roles. I joined a children’s charity as their Marketing Manager. It felt great to make a difference. Eventually, my heart called me back to my passion for writing. So, I took a senior copywriting and communications role in a top financial services company.
During my vacation time, I trained in healing modalities, and on weekends, I saw clients. I was moving toward my true calling. Yet, after six years, I was still only dabbling. In the back of my mind hung my parents’ words, “You can’t make money from that kind of thing.” Fear kept me stuck with one foot in the life I was told to live, and the other foot in the life I wanted.
The more I suppressed my heart’s desires, the more my health failed. Within a few years, I developed a chronic illness. Doctors and specialists could only help with the symptoms, not a cure, and alternative therapies hadn’t worked. Ever since my 20s, I have been visiting Peru. So, I took four months off and went there in search of a cure.
My extended stay in Peru was enchanting. For the first time, I was starting to feel like myself. After much searching, I found a traditional cure. The practitioner was in a nearby town. One day as I was coming back, we rounded the corner and I lost my breath. There, far in the distance, stood a huge glacial mountain. I turned to the man behind me and, in Spanish, asked for the name of the mountain.
“Ausangate,” he replied.
That night I told my dear Peruvian friend, who was a tour guide. He said, “Sia, Apu Ausangate is calling you. But you can’t go in a tour group. He is the most sacred mountain in all of Cusco. You must meet him in ceremony. I will take you myself.”
It was a 3.5-hour drive followed by a 7-hour hike. That night, the temperature dropped to -15°C / 5°F. I shook all night. But the mountain spoke to me, and that trip forever changed me. Then, all too soon, it was time to go home to Australia.
The leap of faith that changed it all
A few months later, I was looking out at the beautiful blue ocean from my Sydney apartment when I felt Apu Ausangate call me. “It’s time to bring a retreat group,” he said.
At first, I resisted. I had been holding space for years, but never a retreat. Yet the mountain was persistent. Finally, I said yes, and the retreat quickly sold out. It was an incredible experience and my clients were over the moon.
Then the mountain told me, “It’s time to move to Peru.” It was my dream to live there. But I listed all the practical reasons why I couldn’t. I had spent my whole life doing what was expected of me. After three days of battling with myself, I decided to go all in.
Within three months I had quit my job, sold my apartment and car, and found myself arriving in Peru with two bags and no idea what I was stepping into.
My new life of magic and miracles
Nothing could have prepared me for what was to come. During my three years living in Peru, I became a completely different person. The land was powerful and I worked with Indigenous wisdom keepers to learn more about ceremony, tradition, and accessing the mysticism of the world all around us. I also traveled to other sacred lands, like Egypt and England.
I had to shed many limiting beliefs and heal my past trauma. As I did, it activated my multidimensional abilities and I found I could tap into the power of the sacred sites and communicate with the ancestors and star beings.
I started to realize what I had known as a child. Nothing was impossible. And I had come here to make a difference in the world.
In the Andes, I wrote my first book in The Rainbow Tablets series. Using the Shamanic tools and my new multidimensional gifts, I manifested that the books would reach all who were ready to awaken their cosmic wisdom. I was guided to start a YouTube channel and record a reading of the first chapter. Within months it had tens of thousands of views and The Rainbow Tablets had become an international success.
I announced more global retreats, followed by my second book. Then the pandemic hit and events unfolded. I made my way to the United Kingdom but could not get back to Australia. So, I embraced my new life and, with a British mother, it was easy to take out citizenship. I had no idea this move would elevate my life to a whole new level.
The next exciting chapter
Now I have lived in the United Kingdom for four years. My global retreats always sell out. The people that come together are so wonderful. They are alternative healers, financial advisors, lawyers, doctors, and more. All are ready to awaken their gifts and create a more magical, authentic, and abundant life. Holding space for their transformation is such an honor.
I also run two powerful online programs. I love seeing how clients strengthen their intuition and learn how to effortlessly manifest their highest expression of life.
Best of all, I’ve just released my third book, The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and Sacred Co-creation. It is a truly life-changing read and birthing it into the world has brought me so much fulfillment.
When I think back to my younger self, I see a woman with failing health living a ‘successful life’, but feeling like she was dying inside. Now I wake every day excited. I am more abundant than I ever imagined, my health is flourishing, and I work with wonderful clients.
So, if I could share one thing, it would be to listen to your heart. It knows your highest path. All the limitations or blocks you perceive are just an illusion. When you start following your truth, it will guide you to a life more fulfilling than anything you even dare to dream.
Sia-Lanu Estrella is an author, mentor, and global retreat facilitator. She is passionate about helping others to live their highest expression and has just released her new book, The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and Sacred Co-creation.