3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 25, 2024

We are open to the idea that dreams CAN come true.

Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 25, 2024 myersalex216 from pixabay, Piixypeach, anton-estrada | Canva Pro

On July 25, 2024, three zodiac signs are dreaming up a storm and wondering whether such dreams can come true or not. Astrology shows us that we've got a 'dreamy' transit taking place. With the Moon conjunct Neptune above, we may end up seeing the manifestation of a dream or two.

We've spoken about how one of the main factors in making dreams come true depends on whether or not they literally 'can' come true. This Thursday, we'll find that we are very realistic about what we have in mind. We are honest with ourselves. We don't expect miracles, but we do know that we dream of possibilities and are open to the idea that they can come true.


We may dream of living on Neptune in a cute little greenish-yellow bungalow, but that dream will have to stay in the dreamscape. However, we can dream about something more 'down to Earth' knowing that on July 25, we may just be able to settle into reality. So, let's stay open and dream big. 

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These three zodiac signs will see their dreams come true on July 25, 2024.

1. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 25, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


Dreams come true during the transit of Moon conjunct Neptune for the one who believes. You, Leo, are a true believer in the idea that if you put your mind to it, you can make anything happen. You weren't always a realist; however, and your dreams have been perhaps a little too epic to make real, but that hasn't killed your devotion.

OK, so you've learned that you can't make the impossible possible. You most certainly can rustle up the powers of the universe to create the kind of magic that ends up with you realizing a dream come true. On July 25, it's all yours. You've just walked into Leo season, and it's all going your way.

Summer has always invoked the idea of magic and power to you, and all you know right now is that you're not letting go of this magic wand. You will see your dreams all the way through to their brilliant outcome, and you will believe all the way until they do manifest as reality. You are the real deal, Leo.

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2. Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 25, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

During the heady transit of Moon conjunct Neptune, we tend to live inside our minds a lot, which isn't all the different from your everyday life. You like to think things out, and in doing so, you come up with ideas to improve your life. This is the advantage of being an overthinker, Scorpio.

Because you live inside your mind a lot of the time, you can craft great ideas and plans for yourself, some of which may be considered dreams you wish to live out someday. You will see one of these dreams come true. You will know exactly what it is and why it's happening.


Of course, it doesn't hurt to have a transit like Moon conjunct Neptune working with you, as you do have, Scorpio. This cosmic event puts you in the right place at the right time so that you can step 'out' of your mind and into reality just as your dream becomes manifest. Oh, make no mistake, you are there for it.

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3. Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 25, 2024 zodiac-signs-dreams-come-true-july-25-2024


One of the main ways you can utilize the transit of the Moon conjunct Neptune is to make your dreams come true. You won't stop until you see the top. Aquarius, while you may not be a warrior in the same sense as perhaps an Aries person is, you don't give up easily, that is for sure.

Because Moon conjunct Neptune works on making dreams come true, you happen to be in the right place to be noticed in this way. Because you took it upon yourself to get involved and be seen by the right people, you get to take your dream to the next step. You are part of the mechanism that causes your dreams to come true.

Once you get the idea that you indeed have this kind of personal power, you will feel even more confident about going on with it. One dream leads to many, and before you know it, you feel like you are a superpower when manifesting dreams and wishes. Honestly ... you are Aquarius. Good fortune abounds!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
