Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 14, 2024

We're not alone and we're certainly not feeling all that lonely.

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 14, 2024 Codioful from Pexels, Canva Cutouts, Chikovnaya | Canva Pro

Sunday, July 14, 2024, brings us a double-squared Moon. In astrological terms, this means that the Moon squares Pluto and Venus. This lucky combo of cosmic events may lead to brighter days, as we are working with "change" and "love" during this set of transits.

We may find that we're not as concerned with clinging tightly to old ideas, such as loneliness or sadness. For three zodiac signs, Moon square Pluto and Venus may act as the ultimate agents of change, as long as this is the day we realize that we're doing OK. We're not alone, and we're certainly not feeling all that lonely.


So, what's changed so dramatically, then? Perhaps it's our perspective mixed with our sheer gratitude for simply being alive. There comes a point in a lonely person's life when we realize that it's not all that bad, not really. With Moon Square Pluto and Venus on our side, we see that it all has the potential for greatness — and this is very appealing to us.


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Loneliness ends for 3 zodiac signs on July 14, 2024

1. Leo

 Loneliness Ends For Leo Zodiac Signs On July 14, 2024 Anni Roenkae from Pexels, olga-z | Canva Pro

It's funny and ironic, but when we think about the zodiac sign of Leo, we don't often think "lonely." And yet, you're only human, and you are just as entitled to be lonely as anyone else. No, it doesn't feel good, and yes, you know you'll get past it, but for the time being, that's the main feeling you've been experiencing.


During the transit of Moon Square Pluto and Venus on July 14, you will be the one who calls the shots on that lonely feeling. You will do what you've done in the past when you start feeling a little 'too' down. You find a way out of the darkness and into the light, and with a little cosmic push, you'll be back on your feet again, Leo.

You think of loneliness as an indulgence, and possibly one you cannot totally control, yet you find it a drag to stay down in the dumps for too long. It's your nature to allow for indulgences while not letting them take over. You will see that this Sunday affords you a new take on the life you've been living, and quite frankly, you're over being lonely. Bring on the party!

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2. Virgo

Loneliness Ends For Virgo Zodiac Signs On July 14, 2024 Anni Roenkae from Pexels, olga-z | Canva Pro


Sometimes, loneliness is all you believe you know, as you can't help but go down that dark tunnel now and again, just for the sake of it. Hey, we all get that way at times, and if you've been in a bit of a funk, then you know that it will end shortly, as it's hard for a Virgo to stay lonely during a transit like Moon square Pluto and Venus.

It's the Pluto aspect that snaps you out of your shell, Virgo, and that allows Venus to enter the picture, which is what reminds you that in all reality, life is good, and your life is pretty amazing as it is. So, yes, you'll have your lonely times, but you'll also experience pure love and the warmth of friends, family, and loved ones.

July 14 may have you finally coming together with that bunch of people who show you, in earnest, how important you are to them and how you needn't ever feel lonely. This day lets you feel as though you are important to other people and that wherever you go, love is there to greet you.

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3. Libra

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 14, 2024 Anni Roenkae from Pexels, olga-z | Canva Pro

You've seen some very dark days, Libra, and while you try hard not to let them get the best of you, you sometimes can't help but sink into deep loneliness. Honestly, this is a very human experience that happens to all of us. The key is to not live in that dark place but just to experience it temporarily.

What you'll find taking place on July 14 is an urge to get away from it all and renew your interest in happiness. You are tired of giving in to loneliness, and you know that you're at the heart of that idea, so you will take the power given to you by the transit of Moon Square Pluto and Venus, and you will work the magic, Libra.


Your loneliness ends because you make it end. You are the one in charge, and you will personally take responsibility for your life. You will get yourself out of that funk and right back into the starlight. You are amazing and strong and yes, you know loneliness, but you aren't going to spend a lifetime in it, that is for sure.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
