3 Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 4, 2024
This Thursday shows us that we are not stuck, in fact, we are ready to transform.

July 4, 2024, brings us the Moon square Neptune and all that comes with it, which implies heavy introspection and the consideration of change. Our astrological charts show us that we are conscious that we are 'blocked' and that we need to break free from what holds us back.
Fortunately, during Moon Square Neptune, it's easy to see where we need to change. At this point, we don't feel threatened by the idea. Change scares certain people into inaction, but not us. Three zodiac signs will see the issue and act on it as of July 4, 2024. This Thursday shows us that we are not stuck. In fact, we are ready to transform.
We all have our specific issues to work on, which are so broad-ranging and personal that they are too numerous to mention. However, these three zodiac signs do know what they have to work on if they are to change their lives, and we will be looking over these specifics now.
These three zodiac signs do what they have to do to make their lives change for the better on July 4, 2024.
1. Gemini
A.A., JaySi from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro
You know that you have been the one to hold yourself back and that this fear of moving forward is exactly what you've needed to get over. On July 4, during this particular transit, Moon square Neptune, you'll feel as though the time is 'officially' right to do such an act of bravery.
You are the one who knows what you need, and no one else does. Knowing this, you are also the one who must take responsibility to change what needs to be changed, and you find this courage on Thursday, July 4. It may come as a result of being amidst others who are doing things with their lives that you have wanted to do.
What you know is that this time, you aren't just an observer. You want to participate, and during Moon Square Neptune, you feel the need to get outside of your head and just leap into it, as scary as it all may seem. You know you have a choice: stay in one place forever or move toward change and 'see what happens.' Moon square Neptune has you opting for the latter, and we all wish you the best with this, Gemini!
2. Virgo
A.A., JaySi from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro
What changes your life for the better, July 4, is a response to a need within you that is ignited by the astrological transit of Moon square Neptune. What's happening to you, Virgo, is that you are starting to feel as though you're wasting time. You have issues to solve, and you keep on putting them off. July marks the first day that you decided you're going to tackle them head-on.
You are so dedicated to the idea of living your life in peace that you literally decide to do something about it starting on July 4. You may find that you are in the company of others who are talking about their lives, their achievements, their this, that, and the other thing, and you feel inspired by them. You, too, want to talk about your life, but you withhold because you feel as though you haven't quite 'broken through' yet.
That's why you are able to work with the power inherent in the transit Moon square Neptune. This 'heady' transit lets you see that you can no longer stay in your head with your thoughts and that if you are to bring about this great change, then it has to take place 'out there' in the 'real world.' This could be a fantastic day for you, Virgo. Trust in the process.
3. Sagittarius
A.A., JaySi from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro
July 4 brings you a major breakthrough as you work on the transit of Moon Square Neptune. It shows you that you need to take a deep look at your own 'secret' feelings and deal with them realistically. If you are feeling jealous of someone, then you must ponder why you feel this way. During Moon square Neptune, 'pondering' brings results.
While 'jealousy' might not be your issue, there IS something you aren't facing. On July 4, you'll not be able to avoid it, so you might as well use that Sagittarius bravery and face it head-on. What you'll get out of this day is the knowledge that nothing is as bad as you've made it out to be in your mind.
As soon as you change your perspective, you will begin to change your life radically and all for the better. This is how you want to live, Sagittarius. You've always been honest with yourself, but sometimes you need a little cosmic jogging of the senses. July 4 puts you in the right place at the right time for a well-needed wake-up call, one that you will put to use perfectly.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.