3 Glaring Signs Your Partner Doesn't Respect You, According To A Psychologist

You question if it's all in your head, but Dr. Aria Campbell Danesh insists it might not be.

Woman feeling disrespected by partner, arms crossed. garetsworkshop | Shutterstock

There's a recognizable pattern in relationships where one partner starts behaving disrespectfully, ignoring the other's needs and being dismissive. Often, this happens after the honeymoon period is over and that euphoric bliss of new love has turned into something more steady — but less exciting. 

During times like these, it's all too easy to question if it's all in your head. You might even wonder if you're overreacting or if there's a real cause for concern. Clinical psychologist Dr. Aria Campbell Danesh acknowledges how challenging these moments can be, and shares three signs your partner just doesn't respect you.


Three glaring signs your partner doesn't respect you, according to a psychologist

1. They interrupt or talk over you

Have you ever been in a situation where someone completely cut you off? Or they talked over you while you were trying to make a point?

Understandably, this can be both frustrating and upsetting. But, realistically, we don't always mean to do this. Sometimes, we unintentionally talk over someone when we are too excited or passionate, as explored in a study on why people interrupt.

However, the problem arises when your partner's interruptions become a nasty habit. And if your partner is always cutting you off or interrupting you, then, they likely don't respect you. 


Dr. Danesh explains, "This behavior can indicate that they don't value your opinions or deem your voice important."

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2. They dismiss your feelings

It's important to not underestimate just how damaging dismissing someone's feelings can actually be.

According to a study on emotional invalidation, "Results presented here align with previous research which has found that invalidation seems to associate with a variety of negative health indicators (i.e., physical, psychological, social, and environmental) and clinical constructs (e.g., borderline features, emotion dysregulation, and emotional distress."


And listen, sometimes we unintentionally invalidate someone's emotions, I get it. But once again, this becomes an issue when it becomes a habit. And if you find your partner saying more often than not things like, "You're overreacting," or, "You're being too sensitive," then unfortunately, they likely don't respect you. 

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3. They make decisions without consulting you

Lastly, if your partner is always making decisions without running them by you first, then they don't respect you. But, understandably, this can get a little tricky.


After all, do they truly need to consult you over everything little thing? I mean, shouldn't there be a certain amount of independence and autonomy in your relationship?

And listen, having autonomy in your relationship is important. However, there are just certain decisions you should never make alone, especially when they can affect the other person.

And if they're making those life-changing decisions without consulting you? Then, it's likely because they don't value your opinion enough to consult you in the first place. 

She touches him with love and he doesn't care Shurkin Son via Shutterstock


Now, with that being said, should you end your relationship if your partner exhibits these three signs? No. You should always talk through these things to see if you can come to a solution.

However, if they're not willing to hold themselves accountable and change their behavior, then, unfortunately, it might be high time to end your relationship once and for all. 

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.