3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe From July 1 - 7, 2024

Happy 4th of July! Canadians and Americans celebrate this month.

3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe From July 1 - 7, 2024 Rido, Blixa 6 Studios and madsci from Getty Images | Canva Pro

While there may be a few stressful moments on the 1st and 4th, or things don’t go exactly as planned, the holidays remain joyous for most. Neptune turns retrograde this week, and for some, this may increase mental fog. Now is the time to look at things from a realistic standpoint and take off the rose-colored glasses. Of course, for those under a heavy Neptune transit, this may be exactly what they don’t do, as a retrograde Neptune tends to increase confusion and lack of clarity.


Life may reach a fevered pitch on Wednesday with Mercury’s opposition to Pluto. We can expect arguments, propaganda, and those who try to force their will or have an attitude of ‘my way or the highway' to show up. It’s a good day to dig for answers, but make sure you really want the truth.


If you have something important to do this week, the New Moon falls on July 5th at 6:57 PM EDT, and a half hour before or after might be good timing for it. This is a Cazimi Moon, which means the Sun and another planet (the Moon) are in a conjunction that symbolizes very powerful energy if you want something to succeed. Some zodiac signs will fare better than others this week. 

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The three zodiac signs that will be tested most are Capricorn, Leo, and Taurus the week of July 1 - 7, 2024.

1. Capricorn

Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe From July 1 - 7, 2024 dsignstig | Canva Pro


The Moon in Cancer (your opposite sign) presents challenges. While in some ways, the opposite sign may balance you out, in other ways, it is still a challenge, and you will likely feel this energy a few days ahead of Friday’s Full Moon. Cancer is in your 7th house of partners, so this is where the problems will lie. You or others may feel overly emotional, and it may be time to focus on quality time if you are in a relationship and relax a little. If you handle things well and don’t let molehills become mountains, you may be able to avoid a lot of the stress. If you don’t, you could see partnership issues.

On Thursday and Friday, there is potential for an argument with someone who could be close. It will be a mentally irritating few days when information comes at you unexpectedly, or something is revealed. Both now and over the next month, you will focus more on money and finances, which is not unusual for Capricorn. Add to this a potential issue with work at the end of the week, and by the weekend, you will be ready for another break!

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2. Leo

3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe From July 1 - 7, 2024 dsignstig | Canva Pro


With 3 planets in your 12th house, a lot has been on your mind, and your subconscious has been very active lately. The 12th house rules the unconscious mind, and sometimes, it also means you need some alone time. Monday night into Tuesday morning, you can expect a shock or an unexpected change, and it is likely to relate to your work or career. Don’t make rash decisions.

Tuesday and Wednesday, you may have issues concerning partners, potential partners, or someone you're dating. You are prone to arguing, and you know that you have very strong feelings about many things. Now may be the time to avoid being vocal or demanding if you want to avoid an argument. You may also be deep in thought to the point that it could be considered obsessive. You may search for some truth, and in this case, chances are you will find it, but it may not be all you hoped for.

The New Moon on Friday means that some of your time should be spent in seclusion. There is the potential that something could end that involves family or emotions, but don’t panic; this doesn’t seem to be a life-altering event. Your New Moon falls in your 12th house, which astrologers sometimes refer to as the ‘house of troubles.’ Fortunately, this is a peaceful New Moon that doesn’t have harsh aspects, so the worst you can probably do is get too far into your emotions. It will soon pass.

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3. Taurus

3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe From July 1 - 7, 2024 dsignstig | Canva Pro

As we begin the holiday week, don’t be surprised if Monday morning doesn’t bring some stress. If this is the case, it could easily relate to women or family members.

Tuesday and/or Wednesday look a little stressful in terms of home and work. If you are at home, there could be a disruption due to a family member or a child. If it’s at work, this represents a stressful situation where you and someone else don’t see eye to eye, or some kind of heavy news comes out. Thursday afternoon could bring some confusion or lack of clarity with friends if you are entertaining, but don’t let things get blown out of proportion; this will soon pass if you remain calm and detached.


Over the weekend, you could also be prone to going back to past hurts and trauma, especially involving relationships, past or present. This could continue into Saturday, and if you stay on this course, the late-night hours may become intense. Do you really want to rehash old hurts or move forward and find something better? You will have to choose.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide by phone, WhatsApp, or Zoom.
