2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On June 19, The Last Day Of Gemini Season

The Universe can be very generous!

2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On June 19, The Last Day Of Gemini Season KT Paper Designs, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

The last day of this year's Gemini season is here, and two lucky zodiac signs will receive a gift from the universe thanks to Jupiter and the Sun. Gemini season has brought many wonderful changes, starting with benevolent Jupiter entering the sign of the twins. Jupiter expands things. It brings sparks of good luck and helpful opportunities. 

Jupiter will be active this Wednesday, sprinkling magic into the lives of two zodiac signs — Gemini and Sagittarius — who experience abundance in their personal and professional lives. At the top of the day, Jupiter will connect with the Midheaven by noon, perhaps bringing news of a job offer, raise or career advancement specifically to Geminis, but Sagittarius and Pisces can anticipate positive news, too. 


Jupiter is the last planetary the Moon speaks to before entering Sagittarius on Wednesday, birthing optimism and a sense of hope throughout the day. Since the Moon governs our emotions and past experiences, Sagittarius zodiac signs can experience flashes of insight that lead to healing, growth and positive change. Jupiter will also speak to Mercury in Cancer, adding a spiritual side to daily communication, especially if you're someone whose birthday is in the first week of Cancer season. 


On a collective level, we may sense when a friend needs a hug or someone to talk to. Intimacy in conversation can grow. We desire depth in our relationships, especially by the end of the day when Jupiter trines Pluto in Aquarius. Since Pluto is the god of the underworld and rules hidden things and rebirth, we may discover something about ourselves or a friend to strengthen a relationship.

The Gemini Sun will cross the final degree of Gemini and kiss Venus just before midnight on June 19. The relationship between Venus and the Sun creates fertile ground for money-making activities like forming a business or expanding a professional network. For Geminis and Sagittarians, the Sun conjunct Venus activates courage and confidence to use at work or in love. 

The energy from the Sun, Jupiter, Moon and Venus helps attract a new mate or strengthens a current romantic relationship. There's a lot left to unpack because this day is so good. Let's see what else is in store for this Wednesday.

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Here's how the last day of Gemini season brings abundance to two zodiac signs on June 19

1. Gemini

 Lucky Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On June 19, The Last Day Of Gemini Season MART PRODUCTION from Pexels, KT Paper Designs | Canva Pro

Luck comes to you in career and love on Wednesday, thanks to a stellium formed between the Sun, Mercury, and Venus while opposing the Moon. The Sun cascades across the critical degree of your sign all day, prompting fated events and opportunities to come your way. One door may open as another one closes. You may feel sad to let go of something you felt you needed, but don't let your fears prevent you from stepping forward to a new chapter of your life. 

The Sun connects with Venus in your second house of money and personal assets for the entire week, which means money is on the table for you. If you're looking for a job, the next few days are perfect for submitting applications and accepting interview invitations. You may experience career growth with a passion project assigned to you that promises bonuses, promotions or a salary increase in the future. Fortunately for you, Gemini, Jupiter will be in your sign all year, so things that start on the last day of Gemini season foreshadow the rest of the year. 


You have the potential to be super lucky in your romantic life on Wednesday, too. The Moon will enter Sagittarius, your house of commitments and marriage opposing Jupiter. This means that luck in love comes to you through intuitive work. So, pay attention to your gut instincts on Wednesday, especially if you're dating or trying to rebuild an existing relationship

Mercury conjunct Venus and the Sun provide mental clarity and focus. Since Mercury rules communication, you appear confident to others. You are a gifted communicator by nature, but on Wednesday, you can cut to the heart of a problem with charm and tact. Your laughter can be contagious. It's overall a beautiful day, so make the most of it.

RELATED: Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On June 19 — The Last Day Of Gemini Season Is Here

2. Sagittarius

Lucky Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On June 19, The Last Day Of Gemini Season Malcolm Garret from Pexels, KT Paper Designs | Canva Pro


You are luckiest in love and health on Wednesday. Since you're ruled by lucky Jupiter, you are naturally born with more luck than other zodiac signs. So, on Wednesday, when Jupiter is active, you experience a windfall of abundance in your life. Wednesday is like a feather in your cap day when projects and investments start to pay off. You see the blessings of your hard work and efforts. 

Jupiter in Gemini brings an abundance of luck and love to you all year, but with Jupiter speaking to Mercury, Venus, and the Sun on June 19, you may get more attention than you typically do. If you love to take good, quality photos, this is a great day to build your branding package and hire a professional photographer for images to use online.

 Jupiter will speak to Venus conjunct Mercury in Cancer. While Venus rules love, it also rules property and money. If you have wanted to ask for a raise or have a contract you need to renegotiate, business and professional decision-makers ae apt to see things from your perspective giving you the end result you want. The Moon entering your sign in the afternoon brings mental clarity and focus. You work best with women; in fact, female partnerships can lead you to opportunities in business. It's an excellent day to find a female mentor to help you grow a home-based business or to set a new personal goal. You may get helpful advice that improves your life in a big way.


 You have plenty of space in your life for good health starting June 19. If you want to go to the gym or meditating, the universe is open to connecting with you this Wednesday. Prepare for new insights and knowledge that grow your wisdom and provide you with the tools you need to succeed and grow.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
