7 Ways To Use Cancer Season Energy To Drastically Improve Your Life

Cancer season energy lasts from June 21 to July 22.

woman during cancer season with the moon Leonid Shaydulin via Unsplash / Shen Stock, Olha ZS, claudiodivizia and Eduard Litvinov via Canva

The beautiful Cancer season is here at last! Are you excited for this moon-blessed month to bring you love, luck, and more? Officially, Cancer season occurs between June 21 - July 22 every year, but the actual date can vary by one or two days depending on the actual movement of the Sun in the sky. It's preceded by Gemini season and always has the fun Leo Season following it up.

Here's what to do during Cancer season to drastically improve your life, love, and everything in between.

cancer season to do list Shen Stock & Eduard Litvinov / Canva


1. Maintain a gratitude journal

The Moon — the luminary of emotions, intuition, and all things changeable — rules cancer energy. Change is the nature of life at every single level. That's why the best way to honor Cancer season is by leaning into your emotional side and maintaining a journal of your thoughts, dreams, love, and everything in between.

It doesn't have to be a boring words-only journal though. Take inspiration from Pinterest, YouTube, or Instagram and start scrapbooking! Just remember: you don't need elaborate supplies like washi tapes, sticker packs, and more to do this. Just scissors, a few old magazines, and some glue will do too. Let your creativity guide you in this!


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2. Pay attention to your dreams

As Cancer energy rules over the psychic realm just as much as the other water signs, you can truly tap into the weird and wonderful during Cancer season by paying more attention to your dreams and their symbolism. Who knows? You may start lucid dreaming if you journal your dreams often enough and start remembering them for longer durations of time than usual. Lucid dreams are a perfect way to learn how to take control of your life and destiny.

3. Lead with love

If there's one thing everyone can agree on, it's that Cancer energy is pure and beautiful. It's heart-centered and leads with love. So the best way to improve your life during this astrological season is to lean into love and lead with love yourself (no matter your zodiac sign or chart placements).

Just remember: love does not equate to a lack of judgment or the act of giving and giving and giving until you run dry and become a husk. Love is the reciprocation of care and trust. Love can't thrive when there is no input from the other side. With this in mind, lead with love where you know your love will thrive. But steer clear of the toxic spaces and the energy vampires who'd love to prey on your empathy and kindness.


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4. Update your at-home wardrobe and your interior decor

Here's the thing: Cancer energy is the quintessential zodiac sign of the hearth and home. So Cancer season is the perfect time to spruce up your home decor and make it more warm, inviting, and loving. Whether you do this by ordering new bedsheets, adding a vase or two to strategic locations, or starting a new herb garden is completely up to you.

Just don't forget your at-home wardrobe while you are at this! After all, who said you should dress up only for others? Get some comfy houseclothes that make you feel effortlessly stylish and gorgeous. Maybe pick up a pair of fluffy slippers while you are at it, too! A good skincare (and self-care) routine is also called for to tie up everything with a pretty bow and string.


5. Honor the moon. 

As the ruler of Cancer, the moon cycle during Cancer season tends to be more potent than most. Especially the New Moon and the Full Moon during this period. In fact, if you have a blue moon (a second full moon) or a black moon (a second new moon) occurring during any Cancer season in any year, you must never allow that energy to fly past you without doing a manifestation ritual! So honor the moon and honor yourself. Let your dreams and wishes guide you. And let the lunar energy help you bring to life what you need the most.

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6. Spend more quality time with your loved ones and best friends. 

This is a no-brainer for Cancer season. After all, Cancer energy is all about family, love, and the home. So the best thing you can do for yourself during this astrological season is to lean into love and spend more quality time with your loved ones. That includes your fur babies too!

Spontaneous vacations with the whole fam are also a great way to honor this energy. But you can also substitute this with house parties, backyard BBQs, or just visiting your aging elders more and spending time reminiscing about the past and learning from their experiences.


7. Cook with love. 

Finally, we come to the last point on this list — cook with love. As the purveyor of all things home and hearth-related, Cancer energy is definitely at its best when channeled into the act of cooking for nourishment. Whether for yourself or your family, let this Cancer season bring out the creative chef within you. Let it spread love through food and the joy that something tasty brings.

If you don't know how to cook, you can always start learning this skill during this month, too. Or whip up some cool shakes and smoothies that require low effort and very little clean-up later. You never know where this adventure will lead!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.