3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Abundance On June 25, 2024

We are creating fortune and ushering in a season of abundance for ourselves.

woman looking into galaxy during season of abundance june 25 Cody Black via Unsplash / sparklestroke via Canva

We've got a double whammy of positive energy coming our way on June 25, 2024, and that is because we've got a Gibbous Moon in Aquarius square Uranus. What that spells in astrological terms is good fortune and the ability to create more of it at will — sounds like a plan, doesn't it? It sure does, especially for three zodiac signs who enter a season of abundance under this energy.

That's not to say we're not all in line for a season of abundance if we put our minds to it. In fact, Aquarius square Uranus extends an invitation to all — we just have to be mindful of its presence and apply that mindfulness to how we go about creating fortune and ushering in a creative season of abundance for ourselves.


Tuesday the 24th brings the beginnings of financial gain and an optimistic look at the future. The three zodiac signs that have been singled out can look forward to hope and promise in the form of a message from work, an authority, a situation that tells us that we are in line for a promotion, refund, or something having to do with money in our pockets. This Uranus transit has the potential to deliver all summer long.

3 zodiac signs enter a season of abundance on June 25, 2024

1. Aries

Welcome to the season of abundance — and if anyone is ready for it, it's you, Aries. You have worked hard to get here and your dreams have all been so fine-tuned that you feel as though you are more than ready to make it all happen. 


During this Uranus/Aquarius transit, you're about ready to receive the abundance that you know you are destined for. The days of longing and lack are coming to an end. You have lived through the hard times and you've seen some excellent times as well. 

All of this provides you with the knowledge that nature is all about ebb and flow. In other words, you win some and you lose some — and as of Tuesday, June 25, you're about go on a new winning streak. It's not only a season of abundance, it's a season of self-confidence and love for you as well, so in all truth, you can't be beat. 

This is the summer of Abundance and you mean to make it last as long as you possibly can. Positive thinking enforces this and sets it all in motion. Aquarius energy helps to keep it alive and thriving.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Basically The Universe's Favorites Between June 24 - 30


2. Sagittarius

You are about to walk into a season of abundance and love because you are open to the forces of nature and have learned that if you groove with them rather than fight them, you usually end up benefitting — even if those benefits come with strong lessons. You are always open for learning and this time, on June 25, you get to see how being patient and learning well leads to abundance and profit.

You are embarking on a whole new lifestyle, Sagittarius, one based on self-love and self-esteem. The abundance you attract in all fields results from the efforts you've put into making your life better. You did this, and you know it — and now, you get to kick back and experience the fruits of your labor.

Life is good and with this pervasive Aquarius influence, you cannot see anything but sunshine and rainbows up ahead. Yes, that sounds giddy and goofy, but we are allowed to feel corny feelings such as this, are we not? So, give yourself over to the sweet feelings that come with abundant love and happiness.

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3. Aquarius

If anyone is going to react positively to all of this Uranus/Aquarius energy it's you, Aquarius, so none of what's about to take place comes as too much of a shock to you. All is definitely well in your world, as you feel that this abundant state is your birthright. You were meant to live in abundance and light, and now, it's quite clear that you were right all along. It's here.

And you are a person of gratitude as well, which helps amplify the great gift you are in the midst of receiving. What starts out as a sign that things are going well for you gradually progresses into what you might perceive as a full-blown change in how you live your life. The future not only looks bright for you, Aquarius, it looks amazing and alluring.

This will be a great summer season for you, as you have your own karma to live out and so much of it leads you to even better places. You may be perfectly happy 'as-is' right now, but you'll see that Tuesday, June 25 shows you that there are yet new discoveries for you to make, and that yes, indeed, you are open for this, too.


RELATED: What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign Between June 24 - 30, 2024


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Ruby Miranda is an intuitive reader who studies the Tao, practices Tai Chi and interprets I Ching, Tarot, and Astrology.
