3 Zodiac Signs Break Free From Heartache On June 23, 2024

Three zodiac signs will recognize that enough is enough.

Zodiac Signs Break Free From Heartache On June 23, 2024 buradaki from Getty Images via Canva Pro/Nothing Ahead from Pexels | Canva Pro

Heartache becomes a distant memory for three zodiac signs on Sunday, June 23, as astrology tells us that whenever we have a Moon in Aquarius, we can stand on our own without the brace of a memory that does us no good. 

We are ready to break free from this memory and push it into the background. Will it always exist? Well, that's how the past works: it exists in our minds, but it is not necessary if we are to live our full lives in the present.


Three zodiac signs will recognize that enough is enough. We can no longer hold on to something that has started to become a nuisance. This heartache of ours may have been very real and very legitimate, but we've also come to know that it's literally holding us back. We don't get a million years here. We have to live the span of years we have, and this becomes very obvious during the Aquarius Moon.


Sunday may have us evaluating what we've got to work with. We may be presented with a new situation that demands our attention, so much so that we could leave the past behind to be 'in it.' This will feel right. We are no longer clutching onto our past. 

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We know we have to break free, and these three zodiac signs know it must take place on June 23, 2024.

1. Leo

Zodiac Signs Break Free From Heartache On June 23, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


Once upon a time, you loved someone with all of your heart. What you and this person had together was more than unique. It was what you believed was destiny. A true soul mate match. Then, it didn't work out, as the two of you grew apart and went your separate ways. You knew it was best at this time, but then again, you might not have had much control over it.

You've held on to this memory for so long that it's become a part of your story, and it's gotten in the way of any present relationships you might have. You didn't want it to be that way, but you couldn't help it, and this is a very human thing, Leo. You became tied to the past, and the heartache you retrieved from it never really left you.

During the Aquarius Moon, you'll see that you are not doing yourself a good turn by holding on this hard to a past that is already 'ancient history.' It's taken you this long to realize that you need to break free from this heartache to live happily, and all of this begins for you on Sunday. Welcome to healing, Leo. It's going to be OK.

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2. Sagittarius

Zodiac Signs Break Free From Heartache On June 23, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro

A person can take just so much before seismic transformation takes place. You feel that you are on the verge of such an event right now during the Aquarius Moon on June 23. You have held so tightly to the past and the relationship that broke your heart that you don't know who you are anymore. All of that is about to change, Sagittarius.

During the Aquarius Moon, 'change' is in store for everyone, even the diehards among us who refuse to let go of their heartache, such as you. You know something else about yourself, Sagittarius; you are desperately open to being happy. The past and its conditions are doing you no good, and you really are sincere when you say you wish to be happy.


This takes courage and guts. If you are to break free from past heartaches, you must do it systematically and efficiently. During the Aquarius Moon, you'll be able to see very clearly and make your move accordingly. It's time to break old habits and form new and healthy paths. You want this, and you shall have it. Kiss the past goodbye. It's gone.

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3. Pisces

Zodiac Signs Break Free From Heartache On June 23, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


If there's one thing you know you can say about your life, it's that you've loved hard and lost much, but then again, in a way, we can all say that to a degree. You, being an extremely loyal person, have found that it's hard to move away from heartache and that, on some level, you feel you owe yourself this kind of pain. Haven't you paid enough, Pisces? Yes, you have, and during the Aquarius Moon, you'll realize this yourself.

So, it's time to let go of this heartache and recognize it as part of your story and part of the past. You have just so much life left to live, and while that may be a very, very long time, you will definitely come to terms with the idea that life is precious and that you must do whatever it takes to live it in peace and happiness.

June 23 gives you the opportunity to perceive your heartache differently, and with the help of the Aquarius Moon, you'll come to know that you don't owe yourself any more heartache. The present is here for you to live in, and with the positive energy force in this Aquarius transit, you'll see that it's worth your while to investigate this new life, this new freedom. Good luck to you, Pisces. It's all yours.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
