Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On June 15, During The Libra Moon

Something awesome is about to happen in love and romance, and we want to be there for it.

 Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On June 15, During The Libra Moon jamu design, pixelshot, Mimidesign, m.kucova | Canva Pro

Saturday, June 15, has us feeling giddy about the idea that we've just met someone new, and this new person may turn out to be our next romantic voyage into love and relationship. If you've come here looking for an excellent love horoscope, then check out to see if your zodiac sign is mentioned here. Know this: three zodiac signs will make a spectacle of the Libra Moon in all the right ways. Something awesome is about to happen in love and romance, and we want to be there for it.


June 15 is a time for primping, pampering, and looking good, which makes sense as there's a good chance that Saturday is 'the big day' for a date night and all that good stuff. So, why not get totally done up for this adventure? It feels good to look good, and we're certainly going to enjoy the look on that other person's face when they look at us with stars in their eyes. Oh yes.


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These three zodiac signs will soon see their loneliness come to an end on June 15, 2024.

1. Leo

 Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On June 15 Ennona_art, m.kucova | Canva Pro

For the longest time, you weren't sure if you wanted to be 'on the market' for love or not. Yet, that inner romantic decided that you really want a partner and that it's worth the effort to get out there and find someone special. You don't like having to go through all the work, and yet, you've also come to know that sometimes all you have to do is put out that beacon, and the universe responds.


On Saturday, June 15, you'll see that response come to you in the form of someone new in your life, someone who shows promise. You are delighted, and while the Libra Moon keeps you well-balanced and not 'overly excited,' the truth is, this whole thing makes you giddy; you can't wait!

You may or may not have known this person very long, but something will take your previous state of 'acquaintanceship' into a romantic adventure. The laughs will be big and honest on Saturday, igniting in you the realization that you both really and truly love to laugh. The positivity here is undeniable, and it'll lead to something big.

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2. Capricorn

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On June 15 Ennona_art, m.kucova | Canva Pro


Like Leo, you thought your big chance for love and romance was over. After the Libra Moon hits you on June 15, you'll laugh at yourself for feeling that way. Then again, love tends to sneak up on us, and if that happens to you, Libra, then consider it a gift from the universe — something to tell you that you cannot always predict everything.

OK, so it's a humbling little lesson that shows you that you aren't in total control, but who would want all that control if it's only going to spare you from feeling true love and the excitement of starting something new with a brand new person? You are wise in your choice to let go of your expectations and go with them. June 15 brings the world to your door, and you are there to open that door.

Love is here, and it's new. You're about to get into it in a way that might even shock you. It's all so good that you hardly know what to do with yourself, which is why the Libra Moon's 'balancing act' is so perfectly timed for this day. It's all new to you, but wow, are you into it? This new person in your life is fully on board with starting something beautiful — with you.

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3. Aquarius

Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On June 15 Ennona_art, m.kucova | Canva Pro

The Libra Moon is here for you, Aquarius. Just as you thought it was not going to happen the way you wanted it to, in comes love and romance, and oh my, not only are you surprised, but you are elated at the prospect. Love is here for you, and it's new, exciting, and could very well become a relationship of worth for you.

You've needed this, too. You've been dying for something special to happen in your life as you've felt it's gone a little dull over the last few months or so. You'll discover that during the Libra Moon, you seem to 'shine' in the eyes of this new person. You are not only attractive to them; you're irresistible. Wow.


So, it's time to take that irresistible, attractive self of yours on over to the world of romance and relationship because it seems to be your turn, Aquarius. Enjoy your life and accept the love that is so very available to you right now during this lovely Libra Moon. A new relationship has just begun its journey, and now it's up to you to make the best of it.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
