The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign Starting June 17 - 23

Follow the feeling of abundance.

The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign Starting June 17 - 23 H3STD, Christina Jarvis | Canva Pro

This week's energy shifts toward heart and home with the start of this summer's Cancer season. After an expansive and lucky Gemini season filled with abundant opportunities, Cancer season teaches you to listen to your intuition and trust your heart. 

Venus and Mercury will enter Cancer on Monday before the Cancer season starts on Thursday, June 20.  During Cancer Season, it’s important to understand that how you feel reveals the luck you seek. Don't work endlessly or push through what seems unbearable; honor your feelings as truth. Know in your heart that you deserve to feel energized, aligned, and overjoyed at what you invest your energy.


The Full Moon will rise on Friday, June 21, completing the lunar cycle that began on January 11 during the New Moon in Capricorn. Make time over the weekend to celebrate your accomplishments because your hard work will finally pay off. Look for career and financial opportunities since new ones may come in. With a balance of Cancer and Capricorn energy present, balancing work and rest is a priority. Plan things in advance, including how to end the day and self-care. The more you learn this season's lessons, the more luck you can attract to your daily life.


While remaining mindful of your sense of balance will be important, asteroid Vesta will shift into Leo midweek, helping you to reconnect with yourself and your comforts. Vesta in Leo brings boldness. Listen to what your heart tells you and embrace what deeply calls to you on a soul level. Vesta's energy helps you tune into your emotional truth with greater urgency while unapologetically taking action on what you need. You'll attract material wealth and gratitude deep in your heart by truly giving to yourself and honoring how you want to feel.

The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign starting June 17


Luckiest Day: Friday, June 21

Lucky Theme: Career Recognition

On your lucky day this week, the Capricorn Full Moon lights up your career sector, and you may receive the recognition you’ve longed for. This will end a period where you felt like you had to prove that you deserved success and abundance. While Full Moons brings themes to fruition, it’s also important to remember that this recognition may come with an exciting new job offer or career opportunity. Try to adopt a mindset that you don’t have to abandon what brings you joy to have the success you crave. Being open-minded will help you enjoy this pivotal moment in your career. Because this happens in your 10th house of social status and hard work, expect to work for what you want. You can receive a lucky reward but also take steps toward greater opportunities that require climbing higher on the ladder of success.


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Luckiest Day: Friday, June 21

Lucky Theme: Making Your Dreams A Reality

It is time to make your dreams a reality. Whatever you wish, you can turn into the reality you live in. You need to create a plan for success and not be afraid to take a leap of faith. The Full Moon in Capricorn will bring a lucky dose of energy to new opportunities or areas of study that allow you to live more expansively. You may also be using this time to reflect on what the last six months have held for you and reflect on where you want the rest of 2024 to go. Taking a day trip to see the Full Moon rise over the ocean might be the perfect reminder of how much exists if you’re willing to break up your routine and experience life.


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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, June 18

Lucky Theme: Offers of Wealth

Be so committed to what you want that nothing can stop you from attracting it. Embrace your confidence, and don’t let the most tempting distractions detract from manifesting all you want for yourself. Mercury and Venus will unite in Cancer, bringing in wealth offers, improving your finances, and serving as an important reminder to never accept less than you deserve. Actively participate in the fate you want, and also, don’t be afraid to play the odds a bit and take a chance on yourself.

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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, June 19

Lucky Theme: Bold Abundance

When you take care of yourself, you also radiate a different energy. You can be more direct in what you want and how you want to get it. As Vesta shifts into Leo, create time to focus on what you want instead of simply trying to help others achieve their dreams. 

This is the place of unapologetically owning your authenticity, trusting your path forward, and letting the cards fall where they may know that you shine too brightly to give your light to others for free.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, June 21

Lucky Theme: Listening To Your Intuition


Success is yours, but you also need to listen to your intuition when making decisions for your career. You have hidden dreams about how you want to spend your days and feel. While you might already have a certain level of success, it might not be in the area you feel really called to pursue. It’s time for a plot twist, Leo, as Mercury in Cancer aligns with Mars in Taurus, reminding you that you are the writer of your own story. You can find success in anything you do, but you want to ensure that it feels as good as you hoped it would once it arrives.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, June 21

Lucky Theme: Your Soul Knows The Way


Reconnect with your soul through meditation or a yoga nidra session. Write a journal about what you hope to experience or create at this phase of your life, and practice affirmations about trusting yourself. You have the key to unlocking a new level of luck in your life by seizing the opportunities that will help to expand your life and bring about greater meaning. As Mercury in Cancer aligns with Mars in Taurus, you will finally understand why that desire for more has never been quenched and how to take those unrealized dreams and make them into the life you have always wanted to live.

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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, June 18

Lucky Theme: New Career Opportunities


Get ready for new opportunities and offers as Mercury and Venus unite in Cancer, bringing luck to your career. You already know that you are in an era of brand-new beginnings, as you’ve stretched yourself into believing that you can accomplish more than you previously thought — and that you don’t need anyone else’s permission to do it. Open yourself to receive what you’ve been working hard to achieve because new job offers, career advancements, or bonuses are all coming to you. This is only the beginning, though, because you are truly unstoppable.

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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, June 18

Lucky Theme: Offers Of Travel And Abundance


Let yourself surrender to the process of transformation in your life. You want change, and so change must be what you embrace. Trust that everything you are going through is not only serving your highest good but that it is safe to trust the new offers coming in. With Mercury and Venus aligning in Cancer, activating your house of luck, you may receive surprise offers for travel, relocation, or a new move in your career. Even if it might not seem like it now, the universe is conspiring to bring greater abundance into your life; be willing to participate in the process.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, June 21

Lucky Theme: Financial Payoff


You have been working diligently on your financial life since the start of the year. This has included saving more, spending less, and looking for ways to increase your income. While you have been working on this as part of just wanting to feel more secure, it may also be because you’re looking to make a home purchase this year. As the Full Moon peaks in Capricorn, the energy of this lunation will filter through your finances, bringing in a significant payoff or the realization that you can move ahead with your plans sooner than you thought. Trust good news when it arrives, and also take time to reflect on why you began this process in the first place so that you don’t forget to be grateful for all you’ve achieved.

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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, June 19

Lucky Theme: Embrace Change


Let it all go. Release how you thought your plans would go or the best possible job or life. This isn’t because you have to start all over, but if you’re a disbeliever, the universe is about to start working divine magic in your life. Vesta in Leo will help you embrace change more readily in your life, be open to exciting shifts, and trust yourself to know which direction you want to move in. Once again, you will feel energized, directed, and excited by your life once again. Don’t waste time being afraid or saying no because whatever offers you receive this week will be a welcomed gift of change.

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Luckiest Day: Thursday, June 20

Lucky Theme: Focus On Yourself


You may need to unplug for a few days and start focusing on yourself once again. While this might simply be getting in a yoga session or a pedicure, you might also want to reflect on where you’ve been directing your energy and if you actually feel good because of all your efforts. The Sun shifting into Cancer brings you a chance to reflect and recenter as you remember you are the star of your own life. So, you should be uplifted by what you are doing and not drained. As you return to this feeling, you will also have a newfound sense of clarity that will allow you to practice the art of saying no and honoring your boundaries for what you need. When you take time to care for yourself, the universe has more space to care for you.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, June 21

Lucky Theme: Speaking From The Heart


When you can speak from your heart, you help others and attract luck and joy into your life. This is because by speaking up, engaging in writing, publishing, or social media projects, you are sharing your gift with the world and also honoring your soul's purpose. It might seem you’ve had to be patient and continue working for an extended period, as you know there is a reward in sight, but throughout it all, you’ve never given up. As Mercury in Cancer aligns with Mars in Taurus, you will finally see that it’s not only wealth you will receive but also an upgrade in life that will finally make you feel like the stars have aligned.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.
