5 Chinese Zodiac Signs With The Best Luck Between June 10 - 16, 2024

Beautiful luck!

chinese zodiac wheel Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, M.Wallflower from Trendify and Gabrielle Scarlett / Canva

The I Ching hexagram of luck this week is Fire over Mountain (#56), changing to Wind over Water (#59), highlighting the power of the internet and social media. Never before have we been more connected than we are in the 21st century. Despite some of the negative side effects, the internet and social media have enabled more education and talent than ever before and revealed opportunities and truths that may have been hidden from us, whether deliberately or otherwise. That's the root of this luck, and five Chinese zodiac signs will be the luckiest of them all when they lean into this message during the week of June 10 - 16, 2024: Horse, Ox, Rooster, Pig, and Goat.


So explore more, and don't stick to echo chambers. Whether you do it through cultural appreciation of movies, TV shows, music, books, fashion, or more from all parts of the world, you will find your luck when you don't stay stagnant. Let the world surprise you!

If you feel called to, pick up a new hobby just for the fun of it. We often burden ourselves with expectations of “usefulness” and making money and forget to just enjoy an activity because it lightens our souls and brings us peace. You will find your luck in such spaces too. 

Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs with the best luck between June 10 - 16.

1. Horse: Go-getter's luck

horse lucky chinese zodiac sign june 10-16 suwiillustrations, Tais Barnabe and Trendify / Canva


Horse, you must take charge of your life this week. If you do, luck will flow to you — there's no doubt about this. So make sure you don't sabotage yourself and your golden window of cosmic opportunity by allowing negative self-talk or imposter syndrome to hold you back. The one who takes charge and chooses to write their destiny will find destiny acting as their best friend. The colors blue, green, and purple will be lucky for you this week, especially purple.

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Monthly Horoscope For June 2024

2. Ox: Winning luck

ox lucky chinese zodiac sign june 10-16 suwiillustrations, Tais Barnabe and Trendify / Canva


Ox, there's a song by the pop group ABBA called 'The Winner Takes It All.' It perfectly sums up the power and scope of your luck this week, a mirror of the greatest heights a winner can reach and the depths that the one who loses can fall. Which side of the line do you want to be on? 

Don't let self-sabotage hold you back. And make sure you aren't surrounded by people who have zero confidence in you. They may be blinded by their prejudice or secretly hope you won't succeed. All of this will play a role in how the near future and your luck unfolds. The color green will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Month In June 2024

3. Rooster: Self-made luck

rooster lucky chinese zodiac sign june 10-16 suwiillustrations, Tais Barnabe and Trendify / Canva


Rooster, the term “self-made” is fraught with cultural conflicts and disagreements. Yet the richest person may be held back by a gaggle of vicious family members and friends who are rooting for their failure, while the poorest of the poor may have the strongest support system ever that helps them reach their dreams through whatever little support and safety they can provide. Think about this dynamic this week. That's where you will find your luck. The color red will be lucky for you this week.

RELATED: The 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Who Will Have The Best Love Horoscopes In June 2024

4. Pig: Cosmic luck

pig lucky chinese zodiac sign june 10-16 suwiillustrations, Tais Barnabe and Trendify / Canva


Pig, your cosmic luck this week is extra strong! But you get to choose where it should support you. So stop everything now and write down exactly where you would like luck to bless you. Don't spread your luck too thin, whether it's in story format or a bullet list of goals you want to achieve. Focus on the one area you wish to conquer more than anything else — then watch as the magic unfolds. The colors blue, green, and purple will be lucky for you this week, as well as sunflowers.

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs

5. Goat: Unique luck

goat lucky chinese zodiac sign june 10-16 Giuseppe Ramos V, Tais Barnabe and Trendify / Canva


Goat, your luck this week is unique. It won't blaze in like lottery luck and bless you with riches beyond your imagination — no, this luck is different. It will show you how to set yourself free to finally achieve your hopes and dreams without nefarious people or situations strangling your growth and path. Heed this luck. It can feel like Halley's Comet to some of you — once it goes, you will find it difficult to shatter your chains. Courage is the key!

RELATED: Top 3 Most Powerful Chinese Zodiac Signs


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
