3 Zodiac Signs Whose Love Lives Become A Lot More Interesting Starting On May 31, 2024

We are here for the enjoyment, not the commitment.

couple under aries moon on may 31 Fabian Centeno via Unsplash / KT Paper Designs and KyivnataliS via Canva

The transiting Aries moon makes us feel very strongly about our independence. This moon is in alignment with Uranus at the moment, enhancing our enjoyment of our autonomy. We wish to keep it this way, meaning if we're enjoying a romantic liaison's companionship, we are here for the enjoyment, not the commitment. Three zodiac signs will find that May 31 is the perfect day to declare this kind of autonomy. 

@ashljk_637 The moon transits illicits friction with a person/event/sitaution etc. The house Aries is in for you is the theme or area of life this will play out.Because Astrology is so complex, you can take it even further and find mars and its placement and see how that plays out for you, the relationships it makes with ither planets etc. #ariesmoon #mooninaries #moontransition #moontransits #moon #moonplacements #astrologytransits ♬ Real Love - Martin Garrix & Lloyiso

We should thank the Aries moon for giving us this moment of confidence, as it's not always easy to let others down with the concept of no commitment. Here we are, wanting only the truth — and if both parties are to be happy, then all relationship ideas must be laid out on the table ahead of time. We don't want to hurt anyone, and we don't want to be hurt. Truth cuts to the chase very well on May 31, 2024.


3 zodiac signs whose love lives become a lot more interesting starting on May 31, 2024

1. Aries

aries interesting love life may 31 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

Right about now, you know exactly what you need, what you want, and more than anything, what you don't want in your life. One of those things that you don't want is a full-time committed relationship. You're about to embark on a new summer of love, and you're pretty sure you don't want the kind of love that ends up with promise or commitment. To each their own, as they say.

You are quite upfront about your intentions, too, as you haven't given up on companionship. You just don't want the attachment or the responsibility that comes with it at this point in time. An Aries moon is influencing your power of decision at this time, and you choose not to move through the world with strings attached to another person's heart. You want your freedom and you want companionship on your terms.


Is this even possible to find? Of course, it is! And that's why it's wise to be upfront and honest about your intentions, which also acts as a magnet for those in the same headspace as you. So, if you want to share romantic love with someone this summer without the trouble of committing to them body and soul, you will find what you've been looking for during the Aries moon.

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2. Cancer

cancer interesting love life may 31 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva


What you've learned so far is that you need to take your time with love and romance and that impulsive acts don't work for you at this point. During the Aries moon, you'll find that while you still want love, affection and attention, you know that you are not ready for a commitment. You really want to take your time and only you can gauge when the time is right to go one step further.

You may feel very strongly about being with someone, yet you have not committed to them as of yet. There is someone you like and you want to be with them. They are fun, exciting, interesting and attractive to you. While all of these things make you want to know more about them, you're going to trust your gut on this one, Cancer, and feel them out before deciding whether or not you want an actual relationship with them.

Because of the Aries moon, you aren't hesitant. You know what you want and what you don't want. You're quite brave about being upfront with the person you like very much. If they can handle the idea that there may or may not be a future together, then you can at least start things on the right track. You are a realist when it comes to love, and right now, you just want to play it by ear.

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3. Leo

leo interesting love life may 31 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

On May 31, you are much more about protecting your heart than putting it out there. You may have just gotten over something or someone who really made you take a step back to see that while love is a super great thing, it's also recently been causing pain in your life. While you enjoy the companionship of others, you know full well that you're not quite ready to give your heart away.

During the Aries moon, you'll feel even stronger about your position as someone who wants love but wants nothing to do with commitment or responsibility. You know that you live in a world where things like this are frowned upon, but your heart comes first. If everyone's looking for a partner, then you'll just have to look in a different direction, as you are not about to get into another relationship at this point.


You feel good about this, and when you meet someone who agrees to this kind of arrangement, as you will, you can take it from there. You don't know exactly what your heart wants or what it will ultimately reject. You do know that as it stands right now, you need to let others know that it would be best if you had no strings attached. This is important to you and the way it has to be for now.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
