Housekeepers In South Florida Are Now Being Paid $150K A Year To Clean Wealthy People’s Homes

The new industry boom has people considering career shifts.

Housekeeper making a bed New Africa / Shutterstock

recent CNBC article revealed a new booming industry in the Sunshine State. 

In South Florida, housekeepers are now being “fought over” by wealthy families yearning for reliable, experienced year-round help in their homes — and they are willing to pay the big bucks.

South Florida housekeepers are being paid a nearly $150K yearly salary to clean wealthy people’s homes.

Considering the average salary for a mid-experienced housekeeper in the U.S. is close to $30,000, this new boom has caught many people’s eyes and even has some considering a career change or relocation to fill staffing gaps.

@cnbc Florida’s wealth boom has touched off a housekeeper shortage. Salaries for experienced housekeepers in Palm Beach more than doubled since 2020, and a typical housekeeper salary is now $110,000 to $150,000. Want to know more about the lives of the global wealthy? Sign up for CNBC’s “Inside Wealth” newsletter at the #LinkInBio. #cnbc ♬ original sound - cnbc

RELATED: Woman Asks House Cleaner For A Discount Because She Noticed Her Using Their Sink To Fill Her Water Bottle


With corporate job insecurity, stagnant wages, and generally toxic workplace environments, it’s no wonder this shocking new need has prompted discourse. 

Why pay thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands, for an education only to land a “prestigious” job that doesn’t pay as well as one with no such requirements?

With increased wealthy migration into Florida as a result of tax fluctuations, the market for housekeepers has gone up considerably.

Staffing agencies tend to hire experienced housekeepers, but with the increased demand, these agencies are struggling.

“For housekeepers, it’s wonderful,” April Berube, founder of The Wellington Agency staffing company, told CNBC about the industry boom in cities like Palm Beach. “For us, it’s been extremely difficult. It’s a severe shortage.”


Many staffing agencies also admit it’s almost “uncomfortable” to relay the growth in salary expectations to clients.

@thenextgenbusiness Replying to @manuelkasperian Living on $100,000 After Taxes in Florida #florida #taxes #democrat #republican #salary #taxtok ♬ original sound - The Next Gen Business

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However, wealthy families, alongside high-profile tech moguls and celebrities, haven't stopped moving to Florida, particularly for the comfortable climate, influential cities like Miami, and of course, no income or estate tax. Often saving them hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars each year, many of these families are more than willing to spend $150K on a housekeeper if it means a more comfortable lifestyle and lower taxes.


With the high demand for experienced housekeepers, many wealthy families are forced into ‘bidding wars’ to pay their salaries.

While the discomfort of rising salaries for housekeepers in this region has been prevalent, many families are not wasting time in locking them down. 

“At first, they’re in shock, and they say, ‘No way I’m paying that,’’' Berube explained. “But when they try to hire someone for less, with less experience, they almost always come back to us and say, ‘I learned my lesson. We are willing to pay for the experience.”

Housekeepers 1st footage / Shutterstock


Bidding wars to secure the area’s most experienced and efficient housekeepers have raised the average yearly salary quite significantly — between $20K to $50K more than standard costs.

Of course, not anyone can relocate to the area and secure one of these wealthy employers — housekeeping takes a great deal of skill, precision, and preparation to do well. According to Berube, moving quietly throughout the home, going unnoticed, and being knowledgeable about cleaning antiques, flatware, fine art, and expensive linens are all skills essential to working in these specific homes.

So, if you’re contemplating a career change, consider picking up some of these skills before moving to South Florida.


RELATED: Woman Asks House Cleaner For A Discount Because She Noticed Her Using Their Sink To Fill Her Water Bottle

Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.