2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 28, 2024

It's time to heal so you can receive what is meant for you.

woman experiencing abundance may 28 Julia Vivcharyk via Unsplash / KT Paper Designs and Flodia via Canva

On Tuesday, May 28, the North Node in Aries aligns with the moon in Aquarius, bringing you a chance to delve deeper into your healing and self-discovery so that you can embrace the moments of stunning clarity and pivotal realizations. 

The North Node in Aries governs your fate, the life that is meant for you once all karmic lessons and wounds have been cleared, while the moon represents your most tender parts: your heart, dreams, and inner truth. As the energies of the North Node and moon unite, you are given a crucial chance to gain insight into what you can heal or embrace that won’t just bring about personal growth, but more of the life that you have always dreamed of. It’s not always a matter of working to achieve what you desire but of healing so you can fully receive it when it finally shows up.


2 zodiac signs experience abundance on May 28, 2024

1. Libra

libra abundance affirmation may 28 Aleksandra Konoplia Photos and Eduard Litvinov / Canva

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You are safe to heal what has always hurt. You are safe to lean into all that you have experienced in your romantic relationships and get back to tuning into your inner self and the wealth of dreams and hopes that exist there. You have been through a great deal in your life, and while it’s true that you love the act of loving and being in partnership, you’ve also been led further away from yourself by some of the relationships you’ve had. This may have had you abandoning your dreams or prioritizing their needs above your own — but you have a true gift to manifest the abundant life you have always dreamed of.


The North Node in Aries will align with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on Tuesday, May 28, heightening your awareness of the healing that you can do with your inner child and how the experiences of your romantic relationships have shaped the choices you make in your life. The North Node in Aries highlights a great deal of romantic themes, but as it aligns with Pluto retrograde, you are able to reconnect with your inner child and the authentic part of you that wanted to experience all that you could in life.

As you heal and begin to reconnect with those childlike dreams for your life, you will be able to unlock the secret regarding which direction you should take your life in. This year is a breakthrough one for you in which travel and new opportunities will figure heavily into what you are able to attract, so healing will be crucial so that you can say yes to the chance to finally become the person you always envisioned and live the life of your dreams. 

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2. Cancer

cancer abundance affirmation may 28 Aleksandra Konoplia Photos and Eduard Litvinov / Canva


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One of your greatest strengths is caring for others. You naturally prioritize the needs of those around you and take immense joy in showing up for them, whether it’s friends, family or your romantic relationship. The people in your life often are your greatest wealth — but that doesn’t mean you don’t get to pursue your dreams for success. Regardless of what has come before, you are able to have both the wealth of important relationships in your life and personal achievements in your career. You just need to remember that you owe it to yourself to start to follow your dreams.

On Tuesday, May 28, the North Node in Aries aligns with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, giving you a chance to heal what has prevented you from achieving career success or leaning into what you have always wanted to pursue. The North Node in Aries is guiding you to focus more on your professional life at this time, giving you all you need to make great strides and achieve success. As the North Node unites with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, you will be able to become aware of what has held you back in the past. This might have been fear of jeopardizing relationships, letting others down, or their opinions. No matter how successful you are in your personal life, it doesn’t mean you can’t find or deserve that in your professional life.

Reflect on how your professional journey has progressed and what has prevented you or become an obstacle in achieving career success. As you become more aware of what has occurred in the past, practice affirmations, do a free write about what you would do if you knew you could not fail and open up conversations with others who you trust to provide support. Your people want you to take care of yourself as much as you do them, which includes investing some of that energy into your dreams.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
