3 Zodiac Signs That Make The Most Of The Ultra-Positive Astrological Energy Of May 28

We can't help but see things in a positive light.

happy couple making them ost of may 28 astrological energy Hrecheniuk Oleksii via Shutterstock / studiog2, Canva Creative Studio via Canva

It's almost impossible to go wrong during the Sun trine Moon trine Venus transit on Tuesday, May 28, and where love is the topic, you can best believe that we're going to get things done. We're not only in luck, but we seem to have time on our side during this ultra-positive aspect. And if there's good advice to be followed, it's the kind that tells us to believe in ourselves and watch what happens as a result.


3 zodiac signs that make the most of the ultra-positive astrological energy of May 28

1. Virgo

You've got this triple whammy of a transit on your side on Tuesday, May 28, and you're going to make the best of it, that is for sure. It's taken you a while to get yourself to the place where you totally trust your own decision-making, though you didn't expect this power to relieve your partner, as you've passed the buck on to them more times than either of you would like to admit.

Basically, this means that your personal growth, which is expanded upon during Sun trine Moon trine Venus, is liberating to both you and your partner. You're able to help out now in ways you backed away from in the past. Perhaps you are going through a personal well-being spurt and this 'new you' is about to take over and lead you towards a much happier, healthier life.


This transit is so powerful and positive that once it hits you, it doesn't leave you, and in your case, Virgo, you could really use the booster shot that Sun trine Moon trine Venus brings. Because you now believe in yourself, you don't need to rely on your partner for just about everything, and this frees them up to find their own self. They are all too happy to be there for you, but they, too, need a life and all of this is very, very good for both of you.

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2. Libra

This Tuesday, you'll make a conscious decision to be more present in your love life. You've heard a few complaints coming from your romantic partner and while, in the past, you'd be more annoyed by such things, you feel that you've changed. And with the help of Sun trine Moon trine Venus, you might even want to consider their complaint as part of the romantic process.

On May 28, you feel good about yourself, which enables you to be more patient and concerned about the feelings of others. In other words, you're not the only one on your mind anymore. And while you've always been there for your partner, you know that you could do better, and so, during Sun trine Moon trine Venus, you do. You do better.


You are susceptible to Venus' influence and there's just so much 'good' going on during this time that you can't help but want to join in and be your best. Being that you find no fault in yourself, you're able to be much more present for others. And while this revolves mostly around your romantic partner, it extends to the other people in your life, like family, friends, etc.

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3. Scorpio

It's taken you a while to get to the place you're in right now. Believing in yourself put you through your paces, Scorpio, but oh, how worthwhile it's all been! You have had many experiences, and not all of them good. But what you have now is a strong sense of self, which is highlighted by the unique astrological transit Sun trine Moon trine Venus. This adds strength to your romantic life, in so much as you now feel strong enough to handle the everyday responsibilities that come with being a person in a relationship. 

You might not have envisioned yourself in a relationship that has lasted this long, but here you are and if it's going to continue on, in happiness, then it's best to believe in yourself for the duration. Your own self-love fires you up and lets you see the good in your partner. You know this is true as you've had those days when you haven't felt that good about yourself and subsequently, you've taken it out on your partner, projecting your self-doubt on to them. No more of that, Scorpio; the days of self-doubt are over, and with Sun trine Moon trine Venus overhead, you'll find that this is indeed a good life, and one well worth living.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
