Relationships Improve For 3 Zodiac Signs On May 20

We are now ready to stand tall and own our decision.

3 Zodiac Signs Feel So Lucky In Love On May 20 Bobex-74 via Getty Images/Geralt via Pixabay | Canva Pro

Choice is what it's all about as the Sun enters Gemini between Monday, May 20 and Tuesday, May 21. Three zodiac signs are soon to discover that whatever they've been sitting on, whatever question they've been deliberating for weeks, has finally come to its 'final answer.' And, in this case, for three zodiac signs, the answer is 'yes.'

Then what is the question? The question here is the one that allows us the choice as to whether we should stay or whether we should go as in romance or no romance. Around this time of the year, we feel playful and want a partner to play with. We want to share the good times with someone, and we aren't opposed to having this kind of fun with someone we might want to spend even more time with as the months go by.


The Gemini Sun pushes us off that fence and onto solid ground. We are no longer balancing between ideas of 'what if' and 'should I?' We are now ready to stand tall and own our decisions. It just so happens that on Monday, May 20, we will choose to be with the person we love. We will take that chance, and we will be fearless about it.


Relationships improve for 3 zodiac signs on May 20

1. Gemini

It's time to congratulate yourself, Gemini, on a job well done. If there's anyone who knows how hard it is to complete this job literally, it's you, as you tend to take a very long time to decide if it's good for you or not. This 'job' is not so much a job as a responsibility. What you'll see happening on May 20 is that you will decide to take on the responsibility of being in a romantic relationship.

Yes, you're terrified, but it's a good kind of terror. All relationships come with risks. While you aren't fond of the idea of putting your heart on the line, you're equally as excited about going for it anyway. That Gemini Sun has pushed you 'over the edge,' and now that you're on the other side of all that deliberation, you might as well enjoy yourself.

The person you have fallen for is lucky, but they are also patient, and that may be one of the reasons you were able to take your sweet time when it came to committing to them. They know you and accept you as you are, making getting into a relationship with them easier. You believe in your heart that 'this time' it will work, and your chances here are great, Gemini. It's a good thing that you didn't back out.

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2. Cancer

You decided to make a go of it when it comes to your love life, and you are glad you did, as the Gemini Sun puts things into perspective for you. While Gemini transits tend to be about communication or choice, you'll see that on May 20, the choice is yours, and you will communicate your response to the person you are with. This is the day you are happy to admit that you want this to continue.

Gemini season has always brought you good luck, and you can parlay that luck into love on Monday, May 20, 2024. You feel good about what you're about to get into, and while you know this is 'the real deal,' you finally feel ready for it. It's what you've always wanted, which is more than likely why you were hesitant in the first place. Still, commitment looks pretty good to you, so you go for it.

You'll see that during the Gemini Sun, it's quite easy to accept and move forward. That's the difference you'll feel very intensely at this time. You'll notice that you are generally more open and less fearful of romance. May 20 offers you a chance to live up to all of your romantic dreams, and because the timing is right, you'll flow right into it easily and swiftly.

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3. Scorpio

You've had so much on your plate recently that you weren't sure you had the capacity for love and romance within you. You've just felt scattered and unstable. While you can work with that kind of energy, fate seems to have something else in store for you, Scorpio. During the Gemini Sun, that 'something else' is love. Oh my!

May 20 offers you the choice of love versus work. You happen to love work, but you have also started to feel like that's all you do: work, work. When this new person comes into your life, you'll happily put aside what you're doing to make room in your heavy schedule for them. You like this person a lot and think this could turn into love.

You'd be right, and not only that, but you need to compartmentalize your life so that you can experience more than 'only one thing.' You can have it all, which becomes very apparent during the Gemini Sun. This season shows us for you just in time and lets you know that this Summer will be excellent. Let yourself go with it, Scorpio. Don't say no. Go with it.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
