Why People Get Hooked On Learning About Psychology

Your childhood has shaped you more than you realize.

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Okay, I'll admit it! I'm a bit of a psychology nerd.

Back when I was in college I majored in psychology because I always found the subject to be both fascinating and mysterious. As I got deeper into the subject, I wanted to better understand research and I began to have a slight obsession with child development.

The truth is I wanted to understand why people ended up the way they did.

There's a running joke that most people in psychology have probably heard of before that most of us major in psychology because we're trying to figure out our own issues. Honestly, they're not wrong.


It's surprising how many of my classmates admitted to having some kind of childhood trauma themselves.

And while it's great to address and understand our trauma, is there such a thing as being too obsessed with psychology? Where's the line and how do we know if we've crossed it?

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Well, if you find yourself reading this article then you might already have a slight obsession with psychology already.

Why You're Hooked On Psychology

Licensed therapist Logan Cohen confirms, "Most people who become obsessed with psychology and personality types are the children who were never understood at home."


He continues, "They try to understand every single detail about you because it would have meant the world if someone would have done the same for them. It's a love language"

@healinghumanity777 A deep level of understanding can be a love language #lovelanguage #relationship #fyp #viral ♬ original sound - Logan Cohen

The reality is, these people want to give you the attention they never had because they know what it feels like to be let down, ignored, or disregarded.

And they give you affection and meet your emotional needs because they never had those needs met themselves.


At first glance, this might seem like a kind gesture. How sweet and thoughtful of them to care about others, right?

However, the truth is this is a projection of their own flaws and insecurities. The reality is, that you're trying to control your insecurities by giving others what they could never give themselves — ouch!

But that's not your fault, and there's nothing wrong with it on the surface. However, if you want to become the best version of yourself then it's time to take a step back and look at your trauma.

You see, there's a real need to heal from past traumas. That way they don't affect you or your future relationships.

But how do we get there? Emerald Isle Health and Recovery discusses the best ways to start your healing journey.


Three Ways To Begin Healing From Childhood Trauma

1. Prioritize your physical well-being

Emerald Isle Health and Recovery writes, "Create a schedule for yourself that allows you to get enough sleep, eat healthily, and exercise frequently."

And avoid harmful behaviors like drinking alcohol or smoking.

Now, you might be wondering why putting your physical needs first is such a big deal. However, it's important for your healing journey.

Taking care of your body allows it to have the energy necessary to deal with your trauma.

Moreover, you need to understand that healing from trauma takes a lot of energy from us. So, your body needs all the nutrients and sleep it can get.

@jaclynbecketc Self care for your physical wellness can feel tricky when you dont want to hyper focus on your food or exercise. Here are some ideas that you may not have thought of! #relentlessselfcare #selfcare #selfcareforbeginners #realisticselfcare #physicalselfcare ♬ original sound - Jaclyn Beck Self Care

2. Incorporate positive practices

People who've experienced past trauma, often turn to harmful behaviors to cope.

Which is why getting rid of those bad habits and adding healthier practices to your routine is key.

If you find yourself having any unhealthy addictions always seek professional help. On top of that, journal your thoughts to help you process your emotions.


If necessary, talk to a trusted friend or loved one about your experiences. And make it a habit to spend time with a loved one at least once a week.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Heal Your Childhood Trauma (So You Don't Have To Suffer Any Longer)

3. Give yourself grace

Let's face it, beginning your healing journey won't be easy and it'll take some time. Even with your healthy habits, it will take serious work for you to feel "normal" again.


So, give yourself that grace to overcome your trauma on your own time. Don't rush yourself and understand these traumas can take years to heal from.

Sure, your fascination with psychology might have started on the wrong foot, but that's not a bad thing!

Understanding why you do what you do is a great start to healing. However, to heal and become your best self, it takes time, change, and professional counseling.


However, once you begin to prioritize your healing, you'll slowly begin to see more positive changes in your life.

RELATED: The 9-Step Plan For Healing Childhood Heartbreak, So You Can Be Happier As An Adult

Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.