The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Release Their Sadness About Love On May 11

Our feelings are valid; we are entitled to feel any which way we choose.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Release Their Sadness About Love On May 11 Sparklestroke, - YuriArcurs. | Canva Pro

As the Moon waxes in Cancer, many of us can't help but feel a bit melancholic about our love lives. That's not to say we aren't loved, but we, as people, tend to fall into these moods now and then. Certain phases of the Moon can bring those moods into the light. We wish to hide our feelings in the darkness, but we can't escape them. So, on May 11, we may find that if we are one of the three zodiac signs mentioned here, our hearts feel blue.


We might even know that we're overreacting and that, in reality, everything is going swimmingly. It's not as if our partners have turned on us, but for some reason, their lack of interest in us now seems like a personal affront. Because of the Waxing Crescent in Cancer, we are hypersensitive, and while we know we may be reading things the wrong way, we still don't know how to stop ourselves before we take it too far.


What we have to know is that while we may feel sensitive and overly emotional, there is an upside to this. This will be the beginning of our turnaround. Our feelings are valid; we are entitled to feel any way we choose, but these three zodiac signs will also show that we can change that negative into a positive with effort and self-love. It's all going to be OK.

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3 zodiac signs who release their sadness on May 11

1. Cancer

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Release Their Sadness On May 11 artist4love | Canva Pro


A long time ago, you started to understand that 'being loved' doesn't necessarily grant you the kind of treatment you thought came along with the deal. It's very easy for people to say, "I love you." They seem to say it all the time to casual acquaintances, people they meet on the internet, and people they don't love. This makes you feel duped. You don't want to get to where someone tells you they love you, and you don't believe them.

May 11 brings you the Waxing Crescent in Cancer as you 'wax philosophical' on the topic of love, and you may find that you feel saddened by the whole thing. You want love to be 'real.' You want to feel your heart melt when someone tells you they love you, not this artificial tagline of a sentence. You feel unloved and disappointed. You want more out of love.

What you also know is that this is a phase you're going through, as you are aware that the world isn't going to suddenly change simply because you don't believe in the words 'I love you' anymore. People are just people, and they might believe they do love you. It's time for you to stand out of your way and accept things as they are, as the truth is ... you are loved. Indeed.

RELATED: What Each Zodiac Sign Can Teach You About Love


2. Scorpio

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Release Their Sadness On May 11 artist4love | Canva Pro

The interesting thing about you, Scorpio, is that you know you're loved. You know there are people in your life whom you can depend on, and who would do anything for you, and yet, all you can feel is sorry for yourself. Something 'else' is going on in your life, and it's bringing you down. While you are completely aware that the people in your life are not adding to your dark mood, you can't help but 'hurt the one you love.'

During the Waxing Crescent in Cancer, it's easy enough to fall into that trap, and fortunately for you, Scorpio, the folks in your life are used to you getting 'this way.' So when you declare that 'nobody loves me,' as you might do on Saturday, your people will brace themselves and take whatever it is that you have to give out.


In a way, this show of solidarity lets you know that these unloved feelings are merely temporary. Whatever makes you feel unloved at this time will fade into the background over the next few days. When you can pinpoint what's bothering you, you'll release your grip on the people who love you, expediting your healing process. You'll be OK, Scorpio. Hang in there.

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3. Aquarius

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Release Their Sadness On May 11 artist4love | Canva Pro


The one thing you didn't want to give in to on May 11 is the feeling that nobody loves you. While you know in your heart that this is just not true, there's something about how the Waxing Crescent in Cancer hits you that makes you feel unloved, isolated and alone. You can't help it; it's just how you feel, and you usually don't deny yourself your true feelings.

What's good about this kind of day is that you can make sense of your life because of these feelings. You are, by nature, an overthinker, but you are also highly spiritual. In your mind, there's a reason for all this. If you feel unloved, what's at the bottom of it all? What makes you feel this way when your intelligent brain tells you this is false information?

Cancer's energy makes you feel 'too' sensitive, and you know yourself 'too' well to take it all 'too' seriously. You can snap out of it, Aquarius, and move on. You know that your mind plays tricks on you sometimes, and you'll see it in action. You'll do your best to combat that action. What is real? Love is real, Aquarius, and love is most definitely IN YOUR LIFE. Fear not.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
