2 Zodiac Signs Let Go Of The Past & Experience Abundance On May 8

Allow your intuition to guide you into the abundance of your purpose.

2 Zodiac Signs Let Go Of The Past & Experience Abundance On May 8 vkstudio, Canva, edoneil from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

On Wednesday, May 8, the Moon and Jupiter will align to bring luck. During this time, if you listen to your intuition, you can create abundance, fulfill your life purpose and find your destiny. Intuition is connected to the soul, so tune in to hear it. When intuition speaks, it can be quiet or confusing, as it may direct you to a path that has not been traveled. Stepping outside your comfort zone is difficult, but the journey is always worthwhile.


Did you make plans for a new goal this week? Take advantage of any new opportunities that come your way this Wednesday. You can manifest abundance in your career, finances, and relationships. Allow yourself to explore life's magic. Your intuition and feelings will heighten while Jupiter aligns with the Moon this Wednesday, and both will help you understand how to get more abundance.


RELATED: Daily Horoscope For May 8 — The Moon Enters Gemini

2 zodiac signs who let go of the past and experience abundance on May 8

1. Scorpio

Abundance Affirmation: I manifest romantic abundance and fulfillment.

2 Zodiac Signs Let Go Of The Past & Experience Abundance On May 8 edoneil from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

Regarding love, focus on leaving the past behind and acting intentionally about what you want to attract. Whether you hope to progress a certain relationship, move past a period of recent challenges, or meet someone new, focus on where your intuition is guiding you. Then, consciously manifest a relationship of abundance and fulfillment.


Listen to your inner self on Wednesday to create more magic and luck in your romantic life. You have moved beyond a major chapter in your life and are ready to start something new. When it comes to love, you learn it’s not just about desire or excitement but about creating a stable and flourishing foundation.

Hold space for your needs and wants in a romantic relationship. Talk about how to make things better. Believe that you can have the relationship you’ve always desired, regardless of what the past has held. Let Jupiter work its divine magic on your life so that you can reap abundance and luck in love.

RELATED: Love Horoscopes Improve For 3 Zodiac Signs On May 8

2. Capricorn

Abundance Affirmation: I radically embrace greater opportunities for joy and abundance.


2 Zodiac Signs Let Go Of The Past & Experience Abundance On May 8 edoneil from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

The universe expands your life enormously and helps you find joy. You often effortlessly create success and wealth because you refuse to give up, but as you’ve learned, there's more to creating a life you love — optimism.

On Wednesday, the universe works to bring greater happiness in your personal life. You might have a lot going on professionally and personally, but it's good to see how free time and your relationships add value to your life, too. It’s okay to rest; you get to spend time with your loved ones or work on yourself. Now, open your perspective to see that abundance in every facet of your life; you only need to look to find it. 


Magic enters your life this Wednesday. Slow down and listen to your soul's needs. Make room for other needs instead of pushing forward or telling yourself all you must do before the day ends. When you validate this part of yourself, you also acknowledge your intuition, which helps guide you into a new and abundant way of living and enjoying life.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On May 8


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. 
