5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love From May 6 - 12, 2024

They have luck on their side!

5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love From May 6 - 12, 2024 anlomaja, fishyo | Canva Pro

Sometimes, to move forward, one must move back a few steps first. That's the wisdom in love for the week of May 6 - 12, 2024 for everyone, and five Chinese zodiac signs will be the luckiest in love out of them all. They are: Horse, Rat, Pig, Dog, and Ox.

The I Ching hexagram of love this week is Mountain over Earth (#23) changing to Water over Mountain (#39). It reminds us that if you find the path ahead blocked, stop, and take stock of the situation. In matters of the heart, this type of experience is usually a red flag of true incompatibility or problems that will constantly ruin your happiness and maybe even successfully split your relationship.


That doesn't mean you shouldn't fight for a love that's written in the stars or makes both your souls sing. If that's not the case, such obstructions can be a blessing in disguise — a disguised good fortune — so you can turn around and walk the other way.


If you feel called to, meditate while holding a piece of Rose Quartz in your hands at least once this week.

Then focus on the idea of love and allow your soul to speak to you about it. Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest in love in the week of May 6 - 12.

5 Chinese zodiac signs are luckiest in love from May 6 - 12:

1. Horse

 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love From May 6 - 12, 2024 Jasmina007 from Getty Images Signature, tivestudio | Canva Pro


Horse, if you are single, your luck in love this week is about going beyond your comfort zone and discovering that you have a much wider subconscious definition of compatibility than you realize. Luck will bring you the most heart-opening experiences... if you let it.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love lies in working with your family members to build a solid support structure for everyone. That includes your children, elders, and siblings on both your side and your partner's. If you approach love with this perspective, you will be surprised by that bounty that graces your doorstep. So don't carry all the burden by yourself!

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2. Rat

Rat, if you are single, you are encouraged to approach love more holistically this week. That means when you do something to be more attractive, make sure you amaze yourself as well. If you choose a place for a date, make it one that will be perfect for both you and the one you want to engage with. You will find your luck on this path of balance and confidence.


If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged not to stick around with the wrong person if your gut has told you so for the longest time. Sometimes, luck is less about fixing a broken bridge and more about realizing it was a godsend that the bridge snapped in the first place. How else will luck lead you to the right person if the wrong one occupies all your time and energy?

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3. Pig

5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love From May 6 - 12, 2024 Jasmina007 from Getty Images Signature, tivestudio | Canva Pro


Pig, if you are single, you are urged to step back from love and romance this week. That may sound counterintuitive, but your luck in love depends on this. Instead, focus on yourself and your self-care. The mysterious workings of your luck will be revealed in due time.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this week is all about blending patience with knowledge. No one is a great communicator at all times, and most people don't even have positive role models for love to learn from. So be patient with yourself and your partner to build something that lasts the test of time. Just know that being patient and being reserved are two very different things. You will find your luck with the former.

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4. Dog

Dog, if you are single, you will find your luck in love this week when you take the initiative to make something happen in your love life. Whether purchasing a ticket to a speed-dating event, socializing more so you can meet friends or friends, or learning a new language, your targeted efforts will eventually lead you to your soulmate.


If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to think about your future and have serious discussions with your partner this week about the same. This can be about housing, healthcare, retirement, children, and so on. Fortune favors the brave! You will find your luck on this path.

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5. Ox

5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love From May 6 - 12, 2024 Jasmina007 from Getty Images Signature, tivestudio | Canva Pro


Ox, your luck in love this week is all about nurturing the sweet and stirring up the flames of romance. If you are single, you will find your luck when you take the advice of your best friends when it comes to your love life. Distance can offer a better perspective, and they can help you turn things around.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this week is all about recognizing what is lacking in your partnership-making efforts and having conversations so you can fill those gaps. Do you miss out on fun and games? Does one of you subvert your needs for the other? What are the unfulfilled gaps? Luck will help you plug those empty spots and make your love bloom if you choose this path.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
