2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Abundance In May 2024

The astrological energy in May 2024 is extremely beneficial for two zodiac signs in particular.

woman with symbols of abundance and zodiac wheel Look Studio via Unsplash / Shen Stock, Billion Photos, Darya Hrybouskaya, Sparklestroke AndTHP Creative Via Canva

While May 2024 will be a thrilling journey for all, it holds a special significance for earth and air placements, with two zodiac signs in particular experiencing an especially abundant month.

The transformative energy that May 2024 will bring starts with Pluto stationing retrograde on the 2nd, while the new moon in Taurus on the 7th will help us incorporate optimism and healing into potential relationships since Jupiter, the sun, and the moon are in the same sign.


Mercury's ingress in the sign of Taurus adds a lot of momentum on the 18th since it means we will finally move away from the retrograde Aries energy, opening us up to get captivated in the promising sea of romance and passion. When the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, we can expect our communication to revolve around love, partnerships, and expansion for the next several weeks.

The full moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd closes yet another cycle, impacting fire and mutable placements. Venus will enter Gemini the same day, creating a stellium in this sign. Finally, the great benefic, Jupiter, enters Gemini on May 25th, initiating a new cycle for mutable and air placements, pushing them to break boundaries and learn a lot about their identity. If these signs feel the pressure with Saturn, things begin to feel calmer, optimistic, and more expansive because they will learn so much about their potential and what they offer.


Zodiac signs most likely to experience abundance in May 2024

Taurus and Gemini, brace yourselves for a unique and powerful experience since this is your birthday month. Jupiter will be gracing your signs with its presence, imparting wisdom, empowerment and acceptance.

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1. Taurus

taurus horoscope may 2024 abundance Aleksandra Konoplia Photos / Canva


We are experiencing Jupiter in Taurus' transit coming to a close, but this does not mean that May won't be spectacular for your sign. The month opens with the new moon in your sign on the 7th, an excellent transit since it will join the planet of love and beauty in the same sign. We can experience the wonderful and engaging energy, making us hopeful to fall in love again.

With plenty of planets in your sign, the stellium will allow you to have a prosperous social life and develop a deeper connection to yourself. It can be an excellent time to consider all you have gained, explored and learned during the last year as Jupiter prepares to move on to the next sign. Relationships during this cycle become much more meaningful, especially since the full moon in Scorpio in April echoed a powerful tale of love and romance.

Taurus placements, you may experience some financial opportunities with Jupiter and Venus in the same sign, making you work hard and earn. On the 15th, Mercury will enter your sign, making everyone more in tune with money and power. Although Jupiter is leaving your sign, you will explore new terrain with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing more financial topics to the table for the subsequent year.

You will see how you can transform your material possessions and begin to craft your path to victory.


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2. Gemini

gemini may 2024 horoscope abundance

Jupiter, the star of this month, enters your sign on the 25th, ushering in a month of abundance and excitement for you. Pluto will station retrograde on May 2nd, opening up numerous opportunities for you to pursue your academic or creative inspirations more carefully. Pursuing something new may be easy now since you feel in your element. The Taurus new moon on the 7th will recharge and fill you with pleasant energy that rejuvenates and heals as you step back into the spotlight. This transit will feel dreamy and welcoming, a period to slow down and reflect.


The sun takes center stage in your sign on the 20th, bringing a lot of communication into the mix and empowering you to share your story. Venus enters your sign on the 23rd, further enhancing your personal growth journey. On the same day, the full moon in Sagittarius will highlight your partnership house, helping you progress with your ambitions, make powerful connections and curate better plans for your future.

Finally, Jupiter's entry in your sign will have us moving away from Venusian energy and focused on topics pertaining to the Mercurial.

Prepare for a beautiful year ahead, where you will shine and explore new terrain since Jupiter will connect you with new and powerful muses that will take your creativity to the next dimension.


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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
