Horoscopes For March 10, 2024 — New Moon In Pisces Brings Big Lessons

A new lunar phase invites changes for all zodiac signs.

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The daily horoscopes are here for each zodiac sign in astrology as the New Moon in Pisces arrives on March 10, 2024 at 4:59 AM bringing profound changes. 

Check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign to find out how this lunar event affects you specifically. 


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Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Sunday, March 10, 2024.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Close the door, Aries. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house of endings. This is your chance to let things from the past go and replace them with more vibrant, healthy, spiritual activities—volunteer for an organization that helps your local community. You can begin a new yoga routine or meditate in the mornings this week. Read the 'Four Agreements' and write your thoughts in a journal.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


Branch out, Taurus. There's always time for networking with others. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house of unique friendships. You can attend a party or check out events or fundraisers related to your interests. Volunteering can be a great way to enter a new social circle. Whatever you do, don't remain stagnant, instead, be friendly.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Dream a big dream, Gemini. You may think that your desires are completely out of reach, but all dreams begin in the mind. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house career. This can be where you set yourself a goal so high that it almost feels ridiculously impossible to attain. Then, you believe in yourself. New Moons are times for intention setting, so set one and put all your feelings into it. Imagine this as possible! Believe!

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Tap into your inner power, Cancer. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house for higher learning. Remember, there are people who are book smart and then there is an intelligence that comes from the spirit. Ask the universe for wisdom. Search for it in everything that you do. Don't be satisfied by the things you read or hear. Dig into the core of your being and know that you can find all the answers you desire in your heart.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


While money may not grow in trees, opportunities can come from above. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house of shared resources, and this is a spiritual energy surrounding your wishes. If you need something — like money, a job or an opportunity — call it to yourself. Manifest what you desire. You can call it the Law of Attraction or Lucky person syndrome. Whatever it is, act within the elements of belief.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


Some promises you make to yourself or others are spiritual in nature, and if you desire to do something you've never tried before like intermittent fasting or maybe you want to love someone unconditionally, that decision requires you to release some of your willpower to a higher energy source. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house of commitments, which brings helpful energy your way, but you'll also want to get support from others. Maybe sign up for a class or join a group on Facebook. Follow influencers who inspire you. Seek what you need to help you succeed at your goal.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


One small addition to your daily life that fits well with the New Moon in Pisces is a routine of prayer and thankfulness. The New Moon bringing energy into your sixth house of details is a grounding energy that invites you to explore how being in the moment can empower you. One tiny thank you before a meal or in appreciation for nature, your home or your life can make a difference. You have 30 days before the next New Moon, so consider doing one spiritual practice daily.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Art can be spiritual, and if you want to express yourself by painting, music or dance, today is the time to do it. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house of creativity, so take advantage of this beautiful energy. Put on some jazz or Gregorian chant. Do a singing bowl meditation or take a moon bath. Focus on your inner world and reconnect with your true self.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


You know when someone is in your life because there's something for you both to accomplish together as a team. With the New Moon in Pisces activating your solar house of home and family, you may sense that spiritual purpose clear. Pay attention to the little things like telltale signs or synchronicities like repeat numbers, things being said that you were thinking or similarities in plans.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


Your psychic energy gets a boost during the New Moon in Pisces. This weekend, the moon activates your solar house of communication, which can involve downloading intuitive messages. You might have felt some confusion this month, but a few things start to become clearer for you. Plan to do things that boost your intuition. Be more in tune with your environment. Drink plenty of water. Get rest. Journal and stay grounded.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


Money vibrates at a lower level than spiritual energy, so if you've been feeling like you're more in touch with the universe and not attracting financial opportunities it's time to switch gears and recalibrate. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house of finances. You can begin by listening to videos that help you to reconnect with money-attracting. Check out Paul Santini on YouTube or Abundance Attraction Meditations online.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Joy can never be understated, and it's what you need to reach your fullest potential this week. The New Moon in Pisces activates your solar house of personal development, and things like happiness, joy and fulfillment are emotions that guide you toward what you desire. If you've felt confused about what direct your life ought to take, try focusing on doing things that really make you happy and minimizing what activities don't.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
