Love Horoscopes Are Exceptionally Lucky For 3 Zodiac Signs On March 10

Prepare to wow your partner with 'the right thing to say' on this day.

March 10 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs Sketchify, AJ_Watt from Getty Images Signature, robertsrob from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro

These are great days for love and romance. Int, all versions of positive power are getting some sunshine as this lineup of loving transits is waiting to boost our love lives.

As it stands on March 10, 2024, we're looking at a very strong Aries Moon coming up alongside Mercury in conjunction. What that spells for us, down here on little ol' Earth, is the ability to break free of inhibitions when it comes to romantic communication.


Now, some of us are born romantics, and our gift of gab is fine-tuned. That allows us to deliver sweet words night and day to the one we love. While that can only get better during the Moon's conjunct Mercury, for the folks who aren't as nimble with verbal acrobatics, this day rules supreme. Three zodiac signs that might feel less inclined to wax poetic will be in touch with the power of Mercury, which can only be a good thing.



So, prepare to wow your partner with 'the right thing to say' on this day. And take in the rush of knowing that you CAN do this. Don't deprive yourself of the joy of bringing immense pleasure to your romantic partner, as you bring them the most beautiful bouquet of roses in the form of words. Oooh, how nice! (And much less expensive, too, if you're counting pennies)


Three zodiac signs whose love horoscopes are luckiest on March 10, 2024:

1. Cancer 

You may feel you haven't been there for your partner, even though your heart and mind are in the right place. You love this person dearly. Yet, you aren't the person who knows the right moves to make when it comes to either soothing them when they are feeling down or coming to their rescue with the right words at the right time. You want to be that person, yet you still haven't figured out what that really looks like.

On Sunday, you'll get the hint that the answer is within you and has always been. What this day shows you is that you can trust yourself to be the right person at the right time because the truth is, you've always been this person. If you trust in the flow of the universe, the words will come to you. You'll be able to fill the shoes of the 'hero' if such a hero is needed, as one might be on this day.

Once you grab hold of the confidence that is truly your birthright, you'll find that it's fun can to say something bright to your partner that has them instantly feeling better about things. Don't doubt yourself, Cancer. Yes, you are a very sensitive person. Sometimes, your sensitivity makes you think a little 'too' shy when expressing yourself. Go for it on this day. Your partner will be stunned but all the more grateful that you finally came through, as they knew you would.

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2. Libra 

The interesting thing about you, Libra, is that you get on a roll when expressing yourself. Then you start believing this is your strong point, and you stick with the one thing and put yourself on repeat. How this works in your romantic relationship is that you start to refer to 'what works' when it comes to saying the right thing to your partner, even though it's starting to sound like you're phoning it in.

This works to your benefit (and theirs) because on this day when the Moon is conjunct with Mercury, you'll see much more to you than a phone-in response to your partner's need for communication. When you realize that you've got so much more in you than rote responses, you'll remember who you are, which is a vibrant poet, a lover, a person of great depth and character.

We get lazy when it comes to our love lives, especially when we are used to the person we are with, but that doesn't mean we have to stay lazy. Once you get wind of the change that can potentially transform your lazy attitude into one of participation and effort, you'll be overjoyed to get in there and start things up again. This creates a fantastic atmosphere for romantic growth and excitement in the days to come.

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3. Aquarius 

Now that you can converse with your partner at leisure, you feel so much more at ease about getting to the point where your intentions are concerned. It's taken you a long time to get to the place where you and your love partner can feel this easy-going around each other, as you've spent a long time with them just getting to know one another. This romance isn't rocky, per se, but it's one that didn't come about easily. Now, you've crossed that border and are in the 'relaxed' segment.

During this day's transit, the Moon conjunct Mercury, you'll find that everything you've been through together has led you to this juncture and that what lies ahead can be both brilliant and expressive if you start the motion up. In other words, you need to be the one who gets the engines rolling. That means you can communicate clearly, properly, and with great respect for the person you are with.

You will find that, with the help of the Moon conjunct Mercury, things run very, very smoothly, so much so that you might be surprised at how much promise there is ahead of you. This day allows you to know that all your previous efforts have led you to this place, and 'this place' is precious and amazing. Wow, Aquarius, you did it. And this day is exceptionally lucky for you and your partner.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
