Housewife Says She’s A Lot Happier Obeying Her Husband Than She Was As A Career Woman Obeying Her Boss
She's definitely living the tradwife life.

Everyone makes different choices about how to live their lives. Some women want nothing more than to climb the corporate ladder. Others couldn't imagine doing anything other than staying at home and taking care of their family and home.
One woman unapologetically shared her happiness with her decision to be a housewife.
Victoria Lit, a housewife who shares pieces of her life on TikTok, explained how she feels about being a homemaker to her 20,000 followers.
“I don’t know about y’all, but I’m a lot happier as a housewife obeying her husband than I ever was as a career-driven woman obeying her boss,” she stated.
Lit’s comments drew a variety of reactions. One fellow TikToker said, “It’s the word ‘obey'… I have this fantasy about mutual respect.”
However, others supported Lit and said they felt the same way. “I love being a housewife and [stay-at-home mom],” another user said. “It feels amazing to take care of my husband, kids, and home [the way I] get to every day.”
Lit continued her thoughts in another video. “You ever just look at a man and want to cook him dinner for the rest of his life?” she asked. “I know, the feminists are screaming right now,” she continued. “But, when you find a good man… you’re willing to do anything and everything to please him.”
This video attracted plenty of comments as well, although most were positive. For example, one person said, “[It] should never be viewed as a weakness. It’s a strength to be that confident in what you want to do regardless!”
Lit’s thoughts reflect a growing trend of the “tradwife,” or traditional housewife.
According to NPR’s Ayesha Roscoe, “The tradwife is eerily perfect … In short, she’s straight out of a 1950s sitcom.”
Roscoe spoke to Kathryn Jezer-Morton, who explained how tradwives are affecting feminism.
“I’m not sure that seeing this kind of content is going to make someone who already feels secure in their feminist identity insecure,” she said.
In Jezer-Morton’s opinion, tradwives do not pose a threat to feminism. They are not going to suddenly turn feminists away from their beliefs.
Feminists do not hate women who choose to take more traditional paths.
Perhaps even more importantly, Lit’s comments that “feminists are screaming” are likely not true for the vast majority.
As Jezer-Morton said, “Obviously, feminism is about choice. Women who stay home to take care of their families, to take care of their homes — I mean, that’s an honorable choice.”
Feminists believe in women having the right to make choices for themselves. If that choice is to be a career woman beholden to a boss, that’s wonderful. If that choice is to stay home to take care of your family, that’s equally wonderful.
The feminist ideal centers around having the freedom to choose.
There is no right or wrong way to be a woman. Women are diverse and multi-faceted, as are their interests. One should not be shamed for choosing what the world sees as an alternative path. Really, there are no alternative paths. There is only the one that you choose for yourself.
One commenter on Lit’s video made this exact point. “Glad that you like it!” she said. “That’s not for me but all of us women should build each other up and encourage each other to do what works for us. Hope you’re happy!”
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.